Thu 3 Nov, 2005 10:30 am
A while back I heard that a bowl of cornflakes has more salt in it than a packet of crisps(chips to you USA peeps)which I was very surprised at.
I was eating a packet of crisps earlier and I thought Id look at the salt content...there wasnt any!!andfor a packet of SALT and vinegar crisps I was a tad confused.
It had salt and vinegar flavouring but no salt....
...I just went and checked the packaging,it says Salt and Vinegar then underneath it says 'flavour crisps'!!!
My goodness, the way the use of words plays a part in what we eat.
We may think we are being helathy by having a strawberry flavoured yoghurt but if its just flavoured it may mean there isnt a genuine strawberry in site!
Just had to share that with someone.
I'm pretty sure that all crisps have a high content of salt, certainly all the ones I've ever had did, I eat a bag of crisps I have to drink a pint of water.