Sofia wrote:A worthy task, Frank; getting 'the God of the Bible off the necks of the people'. Since He is not there in the first place, freeing them from this preposterous thought will be easy.
I will help you.
I'll accept your help, Sofia.
Tell you what! Let's try an experiment.
My guess is that no Iraqi back when Saddam was in power would ever stand up to him and tell him that something he did was barbaric and absolutely wrong.
Since you think your god is not as bad as Saddam, suppose we give you a chance to speak to your god and tell him that something he did was wrong.
Let's see...what shall we choose.
Okay -- here is something.
In Exodus, the god of the Bible had Moses and Aaron go into Egypt and confront Pharaoh about the Hebrews Pharaoh held in slavery. The god told Moses that he was going to inflict several plagues on Egypt in order to get Pharaoh to release the Hebrews -- but the god also told Moses that he was going to "harden" Pharaohs heart, so that Pharaoh would not comply immediately. The god told Moses he wanted to show Pharaoh how powerful he (the god) was.
So the god caused incredible suffering among the commoners of Egypt in order to show-off for Pharaoh -- and he made sure that Pharaoh would not relent -- by hardening the King's heart. And then finally, the god did what he came to do in the first place.
But before getting to that -- let me point out that the god, just a few pages earlier in the Bible, created the universe. He created our planet, our sun, the other 250 billions suns in our galaxy and the hundreds of billions of other galaxies that we presently know about -- and he scattered them over an area so vast (which he also created) that light takes billions of years to traverse.
So the god could just as easily gotten the Hebrews out of Egypt by picking them up and carrying them out. Or, he could have given Pharaoh the most excruciating ear ache anyone ever had -- and told him the earache would not relent for one second until every last Hebrew was freed from captivity.
But instead, what the god did -- and what he planned to do all along -- was to slaughter all the first-born tiny innocent infants of Egypt. Every last one of them! And the first born calves, foals, and other animals of the country. Murdered a bunch of babies and new born animals.
I think that sucks.
Don't you?
Since you are not afraid of your god, Sofia, why not tell him how much that sucks. Tell him only a barbarian would do something like that. Tell him it was murderous and disgusting. Really give him lots of noise about it.
Why not do that right here in A2K so we can listen in.
Then we will give all these other people who say their god is not terrifying a chance to follow up your lead.