Mortkat wrote:Debra Law- I am afraid you must forgive me. I am not as skilled in argument as lawyers like you and Joe from Chicago.
I must forgive you for avoiding all questions with respect to the relevance of any of your posts? You should just admit that nothing you have said is relevant to the topic of diversity vs. homogeneity on the nation's highest court.
Quote:I will do the best I can, with your forebearance. I appreciate your patience.
l. Joe from Chicago appeared to be "upset" that 5/9th of the Supreme Court would be staffed with Justices who are Roman Catholic
Your number one premise is wrong. Joe was not upset with the religious background of our Supreme Court justices. With the addition of Alito on the Supreme Court, Joe merely observed the lack of diversity and noted the similar religious background of five of the nine justices as a factor among several factors (also noted) contributing to the homogeneous membership.
Quote:2. I provided quotes from an article that showed that the only Judges whose religious backgrounds are ever referenced are Roman Catholic.
Reference to one article does not establish a fact. If you conduct a search, you will find numerous references the various religious backgrounds of justices. In recent history, you will find references to Harriet Miers' religious affiliation with the Valley View Christian Church which is a Protestant congregation. Therefore, your assertion is false. But even if your assertion was true, it would have no relevance whatsoever to the observed homogeneous composition of the Court.
Quote:3. I attempted to show, with quotes from Dr. Tom Sowell, that the number of people from a group who is engaged in a particular enterprise is irrelevant. Sowell makes it clear that expertise and ability is NOT EVENLY DISTRIBUTED IN A SOCIETY AND THAT, YES, THERE ARE SOME GROUPS, WHO, BECAUSE OF CULTURAL FACTORS WILL EXHIBIT GREATER EXPERTISE AND ABILITY.
You have completely missed the point and completely misunderstand the concept of relevance. If we are discussing the homogeneous membership of the nation's highest court, then homogeneity is indeed relevant.
If you are arguing that Roman-Catholic judges (due to "cultural factors" or whatever) exhibit greater expertise and ability and simply OUTCLASS all other non-Roman-Catholic judges as an explanation for their dominant numbers on the Supreme Court, then perhaps your argument would be relevant to the discussion and open to attack. Instead, however, you argue that the religious background of the justices is of no relevance whatsoever (e.g., your "so what" comments) and that makes your discussion of Sowell quotes absolutely unintelligible and ridiculous.
Quote:4. The comparision of African-Americans and Asians is pertinent because Political Correctness appears to imply that there must be a proportional appointment of persons to key positions.
You constructed a strawman argument and then made outrageous statements that denigrate an entire race of people culminating in your proclamation that Asian minorities OUTCLASS African-Americans in all scholastic endeavors and that no amount of money thrown at the education of African-Americans will ever cure the disparity in scholastic ability. You talk about black people as if they are ghetto trash and undeserving of appointment to any key positions in education, business, or government.
I disagree with your outrageous, racist statements. But again, your racist statements have no relevance to the lack of diversity and the homogeneous membership of the Supreme Court. Your racist statement about Asians outclassing African-Americans does not explain why the Supreme Court is largely comprised of persons who are white, male, eastern, catholic, and professionally insulated or whether the LACK OF DIVERSITY on the Court is something that should be a matter of concern to the nation.
Quote:Supreme Court?
Why, according to strict quota representation, there should be 50% women, NO JEWS( 5% does not give them a leg to stand on), One African-American, One Hispanic, and(I know this will soothe Joe from Chicago)Only two Roman Catholics.
This is why Joe from Chicago's 5/9th statement is so absurd. We do not( it is hoped) operate on a strict quota system for our important positions in society. . . .
[unverified recitations to SAT scores, et al., snipped.]
Again, your references to quotas and SAT scores are not relevant. Joe did NOT suggest that the membership on the Court should be strictly proportioned to represent the country's population. He merely observed the LACK OF DIVERSITY and the homogeneous composition of the Court.
Joe's observations about the homogeneous composition of the Court are not absurd. Unless you are arguing that Roman-Catholics have far greater legal expertise and intellectual abilities than Non-Roman Catholics due to their cultural (or religious) backgrounds and that somehow explains their dominant numbers on the Court, everything you have said is unintelligible and completely irrelevant to the topic of diversity on the Court.
Here's the issue: Should we be concerned about the LACK OF DIVERSITY on our nation's highest court?
If and when you ever respond to Joe's actual observations (rather than pounding your unintelligible strawman arguments that have no relevance whatsoever to the issue), then we might be able to make some sense out of your otherwise unintelligible posts.