Do you guys think that are following the same rules as the natural world? I think not, because that very thing "thinking" is what is leading us down that path. In stead of us getting big and strong through natural selection, we are getting small(hieght wise) smart, and bald, among others.
patiodog, yout got the point, i agree with you
patiodog wrote: 
It's not that the fittest are selected for, but that the least fit are selected against -- that is, they fail to produce viable offspring.

yout got the point, i agree with you
Without any factor selecting against a particular trait, it is retained. The appendix no longer serves a function, but it is still there. Likely it will eventually become less and less prominent and may vanish altogether in individuals and then in populations because there are no selective pressures against people born with minute appendices.
On the other hand, if there was a worldwide epidimic of some virulent and deadly disease that could only survive in the appendix, the surviving population (if there was one) should be appendix free or resistant to the disease.
make no mistake; evolution is over. we no longer have 'time' for it; whatever changes are to be made to our species in the future will be made by us!
and then we will make a new species.............
Hey Sugar, long time now see. It is good to know that you are still amongst us. You were the first person who helped my at the other site. Remember?
oops, for a moment, in default, i thought you meant me!
[Mr. Sacharine! yeh fat chance

Squinny it is great to see you I hope you can hang out with us more often.