Bill Casselman, new member, says goodbye!

Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:11 am
Bella Dea wrote:
Who is Bill Casselman anyway....

Bill Casselman's bio
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:13 am
So, because he is "famous" he thinks he's special?

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Lord Ellpus
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:14 am
I have no idea who he is either, Bella.

Owing to his short temper and long ego though, his contribution to A2K has turned out to be as useful as a parachute in a submarine.

Maybe he wrote the book "How to win friends and influence people" ?
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Bella Dea
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:15 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:

Owing to his short temper and long ego though, his contribution to A2K has turned out to be as useful as a parachute in a submarine.

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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 09:34 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
Maybe he wrote the book "How to win friends and influence people" ?

Um, no, I don't think so.

:wink: Laughing

God save us from raving egotists.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:05 am
Lord Ellpus wrote:
as useful as a parachute in a submarine

adding to my list of verbal quips.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:15 am
Well, when a guy writes his own hagiography, you know he has a great ego. There are many who have good strong egos here though and while sometimes they do get in the way, they also make for an interesting read.

I totally agree with Merry Andrew... good grief... who doesn't get edited? ... yet I wish Bill well. S'funny, if Beth or somebody had linked to his site, it would not have been a problem... or if he'd just bothered to put it in his profile... not a problem.

He obviously had NO IDEA what forums were about. I haven't actually read the Terms of Use either, I just know that I have to click on that or I don't get to play.

And I have a very strong memory, as somebody mentioned we all or most of us have., of receiving the "wrath" of the TOS. I was soundly scolded for my lapse when I posted an image of my favorite album with no thought ANYONE would consider it pornographic. I was lividly plunkered.

So, here, for those of you who want to try and remember Bill Casselman as more than a Two-Post Wonder, is a poignant snippet from his "Auto-Bio-Hagiography". He seems to be on top of the language... and what else do you expect from the Principal's kid?

Life can slip through our fingers like silken sand. If we are not careful, we can stand mesmerized by the shoosh of those temporal sand grains, and miss what is all about us on this blessed earth. I hope I have not done that. My work has taken me to every province and territory of Canada, where I always try to find time to pursue my chief delight and hobby, the study of words, particularly words and sayings that Canadians have added to the mighty hoard of English. I have travelled in Europe, Africa, and Central America.* But my favourite posto al sole is an old stone farmhouse in Italy which I rent now and then. This little place in the sun, where lemon trees bloom in the garden, has a splendid perch on a hillside overlooking the Bay of Naples near Sorrento. When I'm there, I am.


*Ahem - but never into the wilds of an internet forum before, more's the pity.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:53 am
Sugar had her blog link deleted. Sugar did not just drop in to promote her website. Maybe Bill really is special. How would I know? I thought Sugar was, if for no other reason than her insights in the Relationships forum.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:58 am

It was a bummer when she left.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 11:59 am
Sugar was cool.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:21 pm
Just to provide balance to the "poignant snippet" provided by Piffka, here's a snippet from Bill's blog from a few days ago:

(To set the stage, evidently Bill Casselman, Canadian citizen, is convinced he's being spied on by the US government. Let's listen to Bill's blog, already in progress ....)

On 10/26, Bill Casselman wrote:

I feel these lurking sneaks are probably lonely freaks who got messed up in childhood. They may have been denied licorice as children. Now, here they are, adults working for the vast platoons of sneaks who comprise so much of American government. Poor widdle things! They sit alone all day in the dark staring a government-sneak computer screens, furtively masturbating to color pictures of Condoleezza Rice.

These poor bastards need a break!

Those of us who are being spied on, sneaked up on, eavesdropped on, ought to make some kind of acknowledgment of these morbid dinks.

If your website or blog or place of business in under surveillance by these pathetic cringing lickspittles of Washington buttinskidom, greet them; make little signs saying "Hi!"

Heh-whoa, FBI !

Howdy-Doody, CIA!

Benvenidos, fellatores militares americanos!

Repressed Greetings, Incompetent Home Security Lunatics!

To all you spook fellahs and gals, ex-fatgut militia Bubba-white-trash offspring, all you unthinking buttonpushing nincompoops, all of you glassy-eyed robots and forehead-dead automata, all you there at the Pentagon or hunched under some mountain in Colorado busily buggering one another and your country's future while you record for security purposes the defecatory frequency of Chinese ambassadors as "The Star-Spankled Banner" plays discordantly in the background... I have my own humble message for you, from Bill Casselman, Canadian citizen....

GO F**K YOURSELVES, every f**kin' one of you creepy american snitches.

Far more quickly than you ever suspect, you bullies will be speaking Chinese. Some day very soon. Except, American pals, you'll be the janitors in the state halls of Chinese repression. Or maybe not? Perhaps the Chinese will be as gracious in victory as America under George W. Bush has proved to be to a needy world?

Perfidious Yankees will have plenty of time to repent electing subhuman pieces of **** like George W. Bush and his slimy surround of vice-presidents and cabinet officers drawn from some of the most criminal international companies in the history of the industrial world.

To the American army snitch command, crawling my site every day:

You bunch of eagle-f**king psycho-pervs can kiss my Royal Canadian A$$.

(Sanitized for this board, of course.)

Oh, he's special all right, roger. And he sure does have a way with words ....
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:41 pm
jeeeeez Rolling Eyes
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:42 pm
But Tico, that does make a little more sense if you add the introduction to that piece:

Two days after I posted a satirical piece about Bush on my website my site began to be crawled 45 times a day (!!!) by what my site-visit software logged as "American military" metacrawlers.

It has continued to be crawled this often for one solid year. What secrets does the US Military hope to find on a site devoted to Canadian word study and a bit of satire?

I did not use to be anti-American. For 50 years of a my life I was an America booster. What happened? Born-again Republican yahoos happened and took over the governance of America.

I agree with Casselman that internet snooping is pretty screwy. I'm not applauding his tantrum as you quoted it, but ... 45 times a day?

Do you think it is possible that the American Military does not crawl around the 'net? Listen, I hope to god they do and I would be very surprised if they did not.

My wish is that they would be a little more choosy and act on real threats to the CITIZENS OF THE COUNTRY rather than perceived threats to the current administration.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:49 pm
Thanks, Piffka. Nice to know there was a time when he wasn't anti-American.


BTW, did you get a chance to read his "F**K THE DUMMIES !" entry from 10/19/05? Is this more of his biting satirical wit?


Everywhere in modern culture are soppy do-gooders who want to save the dummies, coddle the brain-dead, wrap up in psychic splints the permanently mentally cleaved...while encouraging the stupid of earth to breed prodigiously and then go on welfare, these friends of dummies would very much like to mess up bright people as often as they can.

Is this mere paranoia by someone who does boast an IQ above that of your average beach pebble? Yes. Therefore offer a reactive mess-up package. Whenever and wherever possible, f**k the dummies.


The mopers of the world are suckholes and fraidycats.

F**k 'em! Let them shiver and tremble in the dank alleyways. As long as they keep out of the way of those of us who are dancing out in the street.


Enchanting fellow our Bill Casselman.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 12:59 pm
Do you not care for satire, Tico? Weren't you the one with a Mark Twain saying under your name for a while?

I have noted that many Republicans do not care for the current brand of satire going 'round. Bill Casselman is a Canadian satirist, so what do you expect -- someone who's gonna fawn over the Bush administration?

Wikipedia wrote:
Satire is a literary technique of writing or art which exposes the follies of its subject (for example, individuals, organizations, or states) to ridicule, often as an intended means of provoking or preventing change. ...

The main intent of satire is political, social, or moral and not comic. The humor of such a satire tends to be subtle, using irony and deadpan humor liberally.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 01:07 pm
yeh but Piffka, I have to agree with Tico on this, while satire is all youve defined, it must first be GOOD. His writing is a bit strange , like someone whos been up all weekend withouts sleep. I dont find him as entertaining as some of the Canadian humorists like Will Ferguson or the guy that Invented the "Dead dog Cafe".
I find Bill a bit on the disturbed side . How can metacrawlers be identified by software? Is the source even possible to id if its being done by a supposedly covert agency? If thats the case, then the US has got the keystone kops in charge of the CIA. Well, on second thought... But I still dont find any of his blog **** enetertaining or slightly humorous and I will laugh at
mob hits.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 01:12 pm
I agree with farmerman (I think): Our former fellow poster may have reason to feel paranoid, but he owes it to his readers to be entertaining. And he fails...
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 01:14 pm
I rarely agree with Tico and I'm surely no supporter of Bush, I like satire but such?

I, too, think, everything is possible, eeven with metacrawlers - but since every website I visit notes that I'm from America (due to [email protected]) ...
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 01:16 pm
I admit, farmerman, I'm not studying the guy nor did I notice the blog 'til Tico brought it up. It seems tedious to (and I don't really have the time) read him & find out if he is actually funny or not.*

You are however -- "keystone kops in charge"? (That's what I thought.)

*Beth alluded to him being funny & I took her at her word.
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Reply Tue 1 Nov, 2005 01:28 pm
Piffka wrote:
You are however --

I rarely agree with Piffka, but do here. I often find farmerman funny.
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