Fri 28 Oct, 2005 11:56 am
For those who don't know Bruschi, he is a much beloved Patriots linebacker. About eight months ago he suffered a stroke and had a heart operation. According to the doctors they say he can return to the team and play.
But even the doctors don't know for sure. No one has done what Bruschi is attempting. He also has a wife and children. Should he risk his health to play football? On the other hand, he loves the game and cannot imagine not playing it.
Granted only Bruschi and his family can really decide what is right for them, but in general what are your thoughts on risking your health to play professional sports?
Personally I am aghast that he would take the risk of going back into professional football after suffering a stroke.
I realize he loves his sport and his fans love him. Why I was one of the Bostonians that hoped for a full recovery for him, for his sake. I am thankful and appreciative of the wonderful job he has done for the Red Sox up to that point, but I am wary of him returning to such a physically punishing sport and job. I understand the Patriots agreeing to take him back - they owe him more than a job - they owe him loyalty. I understand his wife and family wanting him to be happy and giving their support. I understand the fans wanting him back.
But at the back of my mind is the fact that this was not a broken leg or a broken bone. It was a stroke - a potentially deadly and unknown entity that may re-occur at any time. The chances of him suffering a second stroke are higher than if he never had a stroke. Increasing his physical conditioning and partaking in such a physical activity day after day, pushing his body and taking direct hits that hurt a person who is 100% well, is just too risky.
I am betting that the Patriots have made him sign an indemnity agreement that holds them harmless should he die on the job since there is no way they could let him play again without that. I actually feel sorry for his wife and kids because they are the ones that will suffer most if anything happens to him. The Patriots, the fans and even Teddy himself can get by without him coming back into the sport. But it appears he has made his decision and so who am I to shove my opinion down his throat. I will remain silent and quietly support and hope he comes to no harm.
If he cares so little about his life then by all means he should go for it after all it is his choice...even if it is exceptionally foolish.
Because of his wife and children I think he should reconsider playing. I understand he loves playing, but it is only a game. And Sturgis, not only exceptionally foolish but maybe a little selfish........?
The one thing I feel for him is if playing football is something he truly loves. It may feel like he is giving up something so precious and important to him that he may as well not live. To me though, the only thing that I love to that extent is my family. I am assuming that playing football to him is almost as important to his family and maybe that is why sacrificing his health is worth it. Also, I would have to assume his family loves him so much that they are also willing to risk his life to allow him to do something he really loves.
In any case, he certainly looked good on Sunday. And I too, only wish him and his family the best. I hopes he proves all nay sayers wrong.