Jespah wrote:
Quote:Really? You need not use PM to convey this info, I can take it. Now, where are these logical fallacies you speak of? If I am wrong, I'd like to know, thanks.
I didn't doubt that you could take it - I only doubted that everyone else wanted to hear it

. I'll respond to your points briefly. I don't want to debate it here (seeing as it's not the point of this thread). If you want to debate, I'll start a new thread.
Quote:It's amazing, isn't it, how there are plenty of folks who don't believe in evolution, but who have no trouble with concepts like drug-resistant bacteria (it's because the bacteria have evolved to be resistant; the nonresistant strains have died out and, those that remained, have filled the niche),
What you describe here is adaptation and survival of the fittest, which are not exclusive to the evolutionist theory. Drug-resistant
streptococcus pyogenes is still the same bacterium - it's just a different strain (same organism). It's as simple as you say (those that didn't die off have filled the niche). That doesn't contradict the creationist theory.
Quote:insulin treatments for diabetes (insulin, I believe still does or may have at one time, come from sheep's livers, if sheep were different from humans, e. g. not evolved from a common ancestor, rather than created separately on some other day, the insulin would not work, yes?)
I can't judge if it would or would not work. However, this is an appeal to ignorance (logical fallacy), which assumes something to be false just because it cannot be proven true. You can't prove either theory because the only evidence we have is that sheep's insulin
does work.
Quote:the concept of light-speed (so, if the Andromeda galaxy is sending us light that started off from there about 100,000 years ago [might have the wrong galaxy or even the wrong amount of time, but I think you know what I mean], then that's way longer than the old 10,000-year-old world we're allegedly supposed to be living in).
A creationist (believing in an all-powerful God who can create as He chooses) could easily say that God could have created the light beam as well as the stars, simultaneously. Of course, there's nothing to prove it, but it's not too big a leap of faith if you already believe in a creator God. My point is that there are other (maybe less obvious) explanations (which, if so, indicates the false dilemma fallacy).
Quote:What are knees? They are an awful design. The joint is weight-bearing but is easy to break and twist and snap. The sinews around it are all twisted and do not function well unless perfect. They wear out.
The creationist (if he is a Christian or Jew, as is typical) believes that imperfection in the human body (injury and disease) is a result of the collective world's sin. You said: "do not function well unless perfect." According to the Bible, perfection ended with man's sin. The human body is constantly moving toward eventual death, and in that process, things wear out and function poorly.
Quote:Are angler fish intelligently designed? If they are, then why don't the males have digestive systems? They merely exist as sperm conduits for the females.
I don't know what is particularly intelligent or unintelligent about it. It works, doesn't it?

So you don't like the way they reproduce... That doesn't necessarily determine whether it evolved or was designed.