Fri 21 Oct, 2005 10:10 pm
i had a webpage with the right keywords at one time.. and i type some of them and it was becoming more easy to find my site via keywords..
the host shut down and i found a new one... this time i use a macromedia little intro when its over you click enter and ill send you to my main page..
i rebuilt my page but forgot to add my meta tags.. i type in my keywords now and i am nowhere to be found... i allready included them in one of my pages.. but i dont know in which page exactly i should put them on.. As you can see i am clueless about spiders and keywords stuff...
**do i need to add my meta tags to all my html pages???
**if so how long does it normally take for my page to be found again via keywords??
the way my site is set up right now is you type my url.. then the macromedia plays for like 8 seconds... then enter appears.. you click and it send you to "home.html" here are a lot of links that you can come back and forth...i am not using "index.html"
could this be a problem??
That is why i am a roofer ...HELPPPPP!!!!
If you're not using index.html, what address is your index page (intro)? IMO, it's better to put the meta tags in both the index page and home.html.
If there's no index page (index.php, index.shtml, etc), that would mean anyone can access all the content of your website by going to the root folder's link. For example if your url was and you have no index file, then if somone was to type into the address bar, they would see a list of all your files on your account.
tx lil cat.. what i did is i have the file index.html and in it there are the meta tags with keywords and all in the head part and then the little macromedia thing in the body. when you press enter it sends you to home.html were all the actual site is .. now here i also added the metatags with keywords and all... is this correct now the way it is.. if so how soon should the spiders find my site again?
I don't know if it's correct, but that's the way I would do it. I read somewhere that it can take up to 2 weeks for a site to be added to google's database, not sure about others
i did some research and one person suggest you add metatags into all your pages.. But change the description on each instead of what i did .. i just copy the same <head> to all my pages...
I suppose if your website has a lot of article sort of content, and a lot of variety, then that would be the better way.