Thu 20 Oct, 2005 05:39 pm
Is it just me, or do you find the current Burger King commercials really creepy? It's like the Burger King guy is an axe murderer/stalker.
Um, YES. If that thing was in bed with me, I would freak out!!!
I commented on this on another thread and yes, they are awful commercials.
I saw the piccie of him and he looks like person that shouldnt be left alone with children!!!He's yuck!!
I want to be that guy for Halloween.
I think it's the voice of a black guy acting white guy- he does Carl's Jr commercials also
If that freak sells burgers I wouldn't want to meet the people that eat the burgers never mind him
But look, it got all of us talking and dropping Burger Kings name everywhere! It's like the Quizno's approach - make commercials so weird that everyone talks about it! Any press is good press, right?
I've heard that marketing theory-
But it didn't help Tylenol much when it was in the news a couple decades ago. Someone had been poisoning random bottles...
Good point about Tylenol--before the poisoning scare, they had almost 90% of the over the counter analgesic market locked up--they've never recovered their market share.
Nope, it isn't always the case that any press is good press. Take the Quiznos approach you were talking about. Anyone remember the giant rat thingy? Well, sales dropped because of it. People talked about it all right and it reminded them of a rat. Who wants to think of rats at the place you are eating. They pulled that sucker in a hurry.