Green Witch wrote:There is no scientific proof of what happens to people after they die. It's a matter of faith. . .
Just an aside: Are there any evolutionists who believe the soul survives death in some way? That would be an interesting juxtaposition of beliefs, would it not?
neologist wrote:Green Witch wrote:There is no scientific proof of what happens to people after they die. It's a matter of faith. . .
Just an aside: Are there any evolutionists who believe the soul survives death in some way? That would be an interesting juxtaposition of beliefs, would it not?
Not really. If you believe (which I don't) in reincarnation you can come back as any sort of living thing at all. I was a dinosaur in my past life, albeit a small and annoying one.
The first law of thermodynamics is that energy is neither created or destroyed so I can see how evolutionists might believe the soul survives death if you define soul as energy.
Right now I'm reading "Spook: Science Tackles The Afterlife" and I highly recommend it.
Belief in evolution does not preclude belief in God, by the way.
Wow! Extremely interesting replies. Thanks! Keep going.
I believe in a spiritual world in addition to our material world - that is my faith. I also believe in evolution - that is science. Personally, I see no conflict.
I also like butter
By the way Questioner - some faiths say you can come back as anything, while other faiths say you can only come back within your own soul group. Thus dogs would always come back as dogs, chickens as chickens and humans as humans. No proof either way.
Life after Death
Nothing can be said conclusively about Life after Death from the point of view of Science. However there isa very interesting book by Raymond Moody - Life after Life. It was published many years back but science is not opening its mind to these subjects which were previouly not researched.
Since science uses logic, left brain thinking and relies heavily on proof it is possible that it will not be able to come to a conclusion on this subject because death is something which can only be experienced. It is subjective and not objective, not of the material world. The Tibetan Book of the Dead describes what happens after death according to Mahayana Buddhism. Its teachings are corroborated by Moody's book.
Regarding fear of Death please visit my website at
Edit: Moderator: Link removed
Ok, let's look at this objectively.
What facts DO we have on the subject?
Accounts of peoples 'near death' experiences.
-Physical brain functions inarguably linked to mental functions."nothing mental happens without something physical happening"
-No evidence of a 'soul', or equations that require 'soul' to solve.
-No evidence to suggest the existence of 'afterlife'
Not alot on either side, but ultimately the burden of proof lays with one making the affirmative claim.
Personally I think the idea of afterlife to be both ludicrous and irrelevant.
Not to mention that it is a concept not supported by the bible.
If anyone has studied OBE's (outer body experiences), there's a silver cord that connects the spirit body to the physical one, to keep it from getting lost so to speak.
The spirit never dies, therefore, where would a soul go when they die?
They have to go somewhere.
If you've ever read accounts of people in a room with a dying person, any animals present go crazy while watching what I s'pose would be the spirit rising from the body. Plus, the angels that carry them.
Apparantly they've done a study on how much the soul weighs (I know, sounds strange). The body was a teensy (but noticeably) lighter the split second the last breath was taken.
If anyone has studied OBE's (outer body experiences), there's a silver cord that connects the spirit body to the physical one, to keep it from getting lost so to speak.
I have. There has yet to be a verified recorded incedent of anyone being able to 'leave their body' and bring back any kind of pertinant information (ie - seeing around a corner to read what is written on a sign, out of sight of their body)
The spirit never dies, therefore, where would a soul go when they die?
They have to go somewhere.
What is a spirit. How does it live. Where does it live.??
How do you know it 'never dies'?
Apparantly they've done a study on how much the soul weighs (I know, sounds strange). The body was a teensy (but noticeably) lighter the split second the last breath was taken.
Urban legend
I'm very dissapointed,
you didn't have anything to bash this one:
Quote:If you've ever read accounts of people in a room with a dying person, any animals present go crazy while watching what I s'pose would be the spirit rising from the body. Plus, the angels that carry them.
tsk. tsk. :wink:
If you see my comments as 'bashing' you are looking at them from a very slanted perspective, which leads me to conclude you probably didn't consider them. tsk tsk.
I didn't address that because it is absurd. No offense against you, but 's'posing' the reason for a phenomenon (that may or may not have any basis in reality, but for arguments sake we will say that it does) is something wholely unprovable and unlikely(supernatural) is highly non-sequitur.
And why are your eyes red>>>>?
Must have smoked too much mary-jane.
soo....if you die and that's it, what of this world?
Are you happy?
I'm the other one wrote:soo....if you die and that's it, what of this world?
Are you happy?
Being that I see this world as all there is, I live purely in the here and now, and make the most of every moment.
The problem with living toward an afterlife is you can often bypass the fun parts of this one in doing so. At that point, if there is no afterlife, it is the believer that has lost out.