Thu 13 Oct, 2005 06:42 am
can anyone tell me how to make this product. it is apperntly similar to kefir (kephir) (Russia) and could be called sauermilch or buttermilch (germany) piima or viili (Finland) it is a fermented milk product involving lactobaccillus
but the strain of bacteria used seems to be important. Also the length of time and temperature for fermantation.
Filmjolk is a very traditional thick sour milk, preferably consumed for breakfast in Sweden (e.g with muesli) or as a snack meal. On the Swedish dairy company website they write that it is made with two lactococcs Lactococcus lactis and cremoris fermenting the milk during 18-20 hours. The milk should have an temperature around 18-20 degrees Celsius. The fat content is the same as milk, which in Sweden is between 1-3%.
I have made filmjolk (or 'filbunke' as it is called when you do it at home) on my own. It is very easy since most of the useful bacterias is around us in the air, flying around us. You take ordinary pasteurized milk, put it in the bowl you will eat it from, leave it in the kitchen in ordinary room temperature for between 12-24 hours. Than it is thickened and you can move it to the refrigerator and store it for some days. I eat with sugar and cinnamon, it is delicious!