Sat 5 Apr, 2003 12:14 am
Can you paint over wall paper?
Or is it better to just take it off first?
Um - i believe there is paint you can paint over wall paper. I am unsure if it is ordinary paint or a bit special. Your paintshop will help you.
If there is a raised pattern on the paper it will, of course, show through. This can look good.
It can be done but it certainly depends (everything depends, heh) on how good a job was done, either on painting or papering or both.
Up in our third floor, we had a room with painted-over wallpaper. Looked horrible, so we scraped off everything and started over from scratch. But this was old stuff, and the previous owners weren't exactly careful when it came to taking care of the place.
I suspect (not being an expert in these things ...) that the "look" would not be as satisfying as on an un-wallpapered wall.
I wouldn't do it. It's much more work to take the paper off first, but well worth it in the end result.
Thanks everyone you advice is what I expected. The proper thing to do is to remove the wall paper first. But I was hoping just by chance there was a way around that messy job. I guess there is not and I do not want to spend the time or the money to end up with an icky looking bathroom sense the whole idea is to make it look better and thus lift my spirits.