Trupolitik wrote:
Arent you a little old to be so sarcastic and pedantic?
So the question wether I have the complete news seems to be solved. :wink:
This is what I was talking about. Of course seeing that you have decided to set yourself in opposition to me I am sure you try to find a "technical" argument instead of just saying outright what you have a problem with.
Seems more that you are far to young to understand political and legal features.
I've neither decided to set myself in opposition to you (as far as I remember, this has been the first time I read any response by you) nor am I trying to find technical arguments - just and only quoting reporting about facts.
I do have problems with anyone or/and any country (including my own), when agreements are broken, especially, when this happens due to populistic reasons.
re Austria it is interesting that they opposed the very most against the so-called eastern enlargement.
And now, they are quite qiet about their previous 'engagement', since Austria is the country getting the most of it (regarding the previous 15 EU countries). (Actually, Austria completely did very fine within its now 10 years membership in the EU.)