flyboy804 wrote:Debra_Law, If it were a park, I would agree with you; howevere it was a playground. Parks are set aside by the city for everyone, playgrounds are set aside for children.
FYI: Public parks, public streets, public playgrounds, public benches, public sidewalks all fall within the same category where MY right to loiter at my pleasure is at its highest and the government's right to exclude me is at its lowest. Again, the government has no interest compelling enough to exclude me from a public playground.
Are ALL the playgrounds in NYC reserved solely for children and their supervisiong adults or just the playground where the woman was arrested? I'm 47 years old, I dont have any children under the age of 18 to supervise at a playground, but I still like to swing. Where's MY playground? If I'm deemed a potential pedophile and a threat to children simply because I'm an adult and must be excluded from a playground designated for "children and their supervising adults only," do I get a separate but equal playground facility for my public swinging enjoyment?
Maybe it's time to conduct an equal protection analysis . . . but I don't see the point of fighting for the LIBERTY OF ALL when so many of my fellow citizens don't care one iota and are willing to throw it away piece by piece at every opportunity.