Ul, your welcome
At the page, be sure and click the turtle icon where it says <begin your journey> on the lower portion of the bird photo. You will be transformed to the most wonderful NG photos with explainations from the leading scientists of the project. The presentation is multimedia, and my take a few minutes if you have dial - but well worth the wait.
When do you plan visiting again? We so enjoyed hearing your travel stories!

Hope you can visit again soon.
dev, so glad your son enjoyed the photographs! You can sign at the NG homepage for free e mails. Space.com, NASA, and Discovery all have kids pages where your son can view awsome photos, plus there are interactive fun things for kids to do at all three pages. I believe NG also has a kids page.
Danon, were you able to see the entire presentation? If not, click the 'multi-media' link at the top of the page, or the trutle icon.
pwayfarer, where are the photos of the elusive coocoo (?) and is it a bird that lives outside of a clock? Inquiring minds, etc.
A reminder for ya all wildckickers ~ the hummingbirds are beginning to scatter, but remember to replenish bird feeders cause the little critters stop at watering places during their migration. Those that remain also need food for the winter months - and will love you for it.