Thanks for asking about Kodi. I did not want to bore anyone with a day by day account, and was waiting for her next trip to the Vet School to post an update.
She went back to the Vet School only today. Recently, she has been bright and alert. She is still a bit lame on her front left leg and she still has weakness in her hind legs after walking or standing for while. But overall she is as good as she was after completion of her radiation therapy.
Today she had x-rays of her left humerus to evaluate it for changes associated with her tumor. Luckily, there were no appreciable differences; in fact, the growth seems to have shrunken along one spot. But it could just be the way the x-ray was run. Nonetheless there has been no growth or appearance of further bone degeneration.
For the past two weeks Kodibear has been moving no worse than two months ago before the therapy, so the radiation and Pamidronate infusion seems to have arrested th growth for now. In three weeks I take her back for chest x-rays to see if there is any metastasization.
She seems as happy as ever. The meds help and she is walking around the yard with the other dogs. I bought a couple of squeaky toys for the pup Raja, but as soon as Kodi heard the squeak, she came off the porch to claim them. Once, Kodi dug up a squeaky toy as a pup in the yard she was living in and it was her toy I carried with us in three later places we lived, and ever since then she has considered all squeaky toys hers.
The pup Raja is growing like a weed. His pack sense is improving, Pavlovian there. He is getting his ass chewed out when he steps out of line. Both Dr J and Abba have dropped the hammer on Raja more than once. Kodi is accepting Raja and he is sleeping close to her in the evenings.
The funniest thing is that Raja is curious about Little Bit, and seems to always want to sniff her. Of course, this pisses off Little Bit who has become a fierce 8 pound ball of fire over it. She will growl at him and raise her hackles then charge him repeatedly, where upon one of the other dogs, usually Abba or Aja stand next to Little Bit to show support of her attack.
Only Lucky broke out today when I took Kodi to the vet. She edged her way past the barbed wire and a cinder block, but was waiting by the gate when I returned.
It has rained here for two straight days, so the dogs are sleeping strategically spread out in each room, one my bed (Aja), Kodi in the library, Little Bit on the table, Dr J is on the sofa, Lucky is sleeping on the recliner, Abba is by my side, Raja is on his spot in the hallway (so he and Kodi can look at each other). I think Kodi has taken to him and he recognizes her as the leader of the pack and this is a way to show his difference.
Some pix.
A three-fer, Lucky, Little Bit, and Kodi.
Thanksgiving Night. Note the food bowls full; they were holding out for turkey.
A very good day for her.
Raja, who at this age looks very much like Kodi did at the same age.....note multi-colored squeaky toy to his right.
Raja is a handsome fellow. He and my first Aja (see my avatar) have the sweetest face on a Kuvasz I have ever seen.
I thank you again for your interest in Kodi's odyssey these past few months. She seems so much like a force of nature that I catch myself thinking that she will always be here with me and that every time I look out the door she will be there smiling at me.
We are looking forward to her birthday on December 25th a great deal around here!