Piffka wrote:Sounds like your Kodi must be doing a lot better if she could walk so far and keep the pup in line. Good luck for continued improvement.
Don't you love it when your dog shows
joie de vivre as Kodi did rolling in the grass? My dog Poppy loves a certain soft sand and gets a wild look in her eye when she finds it. Then she'll do a funny, wide-legged zig-zagging set of scampering moves.

It's hilarious and contagious fun.
saddly, the x-rays showed progressive growth of the cancer on kodi's foreleg. Kodi slipped getting into my van at the vet hospital and she looks like she is in pain from it. she did not howl or cry but did whine once and it looks like she might have strained herself somhow in her back legs. it was hard to get her back out of the truck at home. and i had to use a sling to get her back up. then she nearly fell walking down the ramp. she sat down in the yard and has not gotten back up. I have been sitting with her for a couple of hours now and she is just relaxing as the medicine i gave her kicks in. she has refused food which makes me worried. I don't know if the anesthetic they gave her is the cause of her drowiness or that what ever happened as she got in the van did her damage. she is simply sitting up and smiling, but the kuvasz is an extraordinarily reticent breed that does not show pain very much, so I am worried about her. if she does not move around by morning, i will lift her up with a sling and get her back to the hospital in the morning.
Kodi has always bounced back up whenever anything happens to her so I always expect her to recover, but I am worried this time that she might have strained her back legs and it will make it hard for her to walk around. if that is the case, my dear, dear kodi ..........
damn, she was doing so good today until this happened too, but i cannot second guess about taking her to the vet today. i did what i thought was best.
I just went out and groomed her and she is sitting up and smiling, and does not appear in any more pain, but she is still sitting on the same spot as she did before and the pieces of chicken i brought her is still uneaten, so that is not a good sign right now.