The Apprentice – Martha Stewart Version

Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2005 12:33 am
As predicted by everyone, Jim didn't make it past the interviews.

It's between Bethenny and Dawna.

At the program's conclusion, neither one seemed to really know what they were doing in their final task.
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2005 10:25 am
Poor Jim.

If I remember correctly, Jim told one of the interviewers that he was a sappling in need of nurturing so that four or five years down the road, he could mature into an oak tree. None of Martha's executives had the energy or desire to babysit the nonsensical Jim. He suffered from open-mouth-insert-foot syndrome. Martha told him the "game" is over.

However, Bethenny brought Jim back as her employee on the final task. So far, he seems to be the most valuable member of her team.

Things don't look good for either Bethenny or Dawna. But, that's the doom and gloom portion of the Apprentice format with respect to the final task. The final two are almost always hit with seemingly unsurmountable obstacles as cliffhangers leading up to the final show. How will they manage? Tune in next week! LOL
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Debra Law
Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2005 11:56 pm
The Donald Trump Apprentice Final Show:

I thought I liked Randal, but I changed my mind. I feel like ranting, but don't know where to begin.

At the end of the tasks, I was far more impressed with Rebecca than I was with Randal. Rebecca exudes unlimited potential, whereas Randal is stagnant. Rebecca is creative and gets things done, whereas Randal doesn't have a creative bone in his body and other people get things done for him. Frankly, I think Donald Trump was also far more impressed with Rebecca than he was with Randal.

My honey and I were both certain that Trump would hire BOTH of them. We were certain that Trump felt obligated to hire Randal, but truly preferred Rebecca over Randal.

During the LIVE final "board room," Randal was ranting loudly and demeaning Rebecca. I think he got a few boos from the audience and GEORGE was ready to tell him off--but Trump interrupted George to "conveniently" go to a break that was preceded by an Apprentice clip. The clip showed Alla--in destroy mode--tearing into Felisha. Trump didn't like that at all and I'm sure he didn't like it when Randal switched to "destroy mode."

As expected, Trump hired Randal. He jumped from his chair, emitted his scream of triumph, and went to embrace the fired candidates. Trump interrupted Randal's celebration and told him to sit down. My honey and I thought Trump was going to announce that he was going to hire Rebecca too! Instead of simply announcing his decision to hire Rebecca, he asked for Randal's opinion. Why should he do that? He's the boss--if he wants to hire Rebecca because she's outstanding and would be an asset to his organization--he should just do it.

I think Trump anticipated that Randal would acknowledge that Rebecca is an outstanding candidate and that it would be a good business decision to offer her a job. I don't think that Trump anticipated that Randal would selfishly demand the spotlight all for himself. Inasmuch as Trump painted himself in the corner by asking for Randal's opinion in the first place--on LIVE television--Trump accepted Randal's opinion that there can be only one apprentice.

I lost all respect for Randal. He is an egotistical jerk who didn't want to share the spotlight with someone like Rebecca--a twenty-three-year-old woman who merely (in his opinion) writes about business. Those final moments of the final episode were disgusting. Evil or Very Mad

End of Rant . . . for now.
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 12:20 am
husker wrote:
from my POV Randal is falling quickly - he just made me sick last night

ditto again

he made me sick tonight
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 06:35 am
Debra - you couldn't have said it better. I liked both at first and thought how could Trump go wrong. I also thought that in a sense Rebecca was a better choice considering she did all that Randall did without 20 or so degrees and without the amount of years and experience that Randall has. Just imagine what Rebecca will be like at Randall's age! I think in this case, potential wins over experience (and isn't that what an apprentice is? - some one you are teaching and grooming).

Any how, I still liked Randall and on paper he is the better candidate. However, once his ego took over and he wanted to be the one and only - I completely lost respect for him. I wonder if Trump will still hire Rebecca? Either way Rebecca has won too - just imagine all the offers falling her way.
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 09:02 am
Oh, I just LOVE this.

"If you don't consent to change the rules at the end of the game so your opponent can get a tie instead of a defeat, you're a bum".

Great idea. Maybe the NFL should try it. If you're ahead by four points, there's only one second left on the clock and your opponent is on your 25 yard line, you are morally obligated allow a field goal to count for four points instead of three points so that the other team doesn't lose.

Makes as much sense as the comments I have seen here.
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 09:10 am
Those of you who have turned against Randal might consider the Microsoft video task. Rebecca was project manager-Randal encouraged her to take it.

At that time, Randal had a record of 3 wins and no losses. Rebecca had a record of two losses and no wins.

Throughout the task, Randal was seen saying "I have to get Rebecca a win. I have to get Rebecca a win". Throughout the entire task, Randal did his damndest to do just that-and their team's video won easily. In fact, Randal played the part of the frantic executive who can't get a team together to work on a document far, far more convincingly than the professional actor they hired. Randal didn't have to be that good in the role, but he was.

Randal knew that with a record of no wins and three losses, Rebecca would have very little chance of becoming the Apprentice. So he tried hard, and delivered for Rebecca when she was vulnerable.

I think it is clear that Randal likes and respects Rebecca a great deal. He is just not willing to change the rules for her.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 11:13 am
kelticwizard wrote:
Oh, I just LOVE this.

"If you don't consent to change the rules at the end of the game so your opponent can get a tie instead of a defeat, you're a bum".

Great idea. Maybe the NFL should try it. If you're ahead by four points, there's only one second left on the clock and your opponent is on your 25 yard line, you are morally obligated allow a field goal to count for four points instead of three points so that the other team doesn't lose.

Makes as much sense as the comments I have seen here.

Good try, but no cigar. There aren't any rules. This wasn't a game, it was a fifteen week job interview. Your comparisons to an NFL game do not make sense.
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 11:40 am
They certainly would be breaking the rules if they gave Rebecca the job as well, absolutely. This is the fourth Trump Apprentice. When the show started, it was understood that ONE person gets the prize-a half million dollar a year job in the Trump organization-longer if it works out well for everyone.

The show is a competition, was conceived and advertised by all concerned as a competition. And the title of Apprentice is conferred on the winner.

One thing you might notice, if you review the final scene: Randal said, (as close as I can remember his words), "On this particular day, at this particular moment, I would be against her getting the job as well. This is The Apprentice, not the Apprentice Group or the The Aprenticii."

Notice that Randal did not rule out the idea of Rebecca getting a job another day with the Trump organization. In fact, unless Rebecca says something stupid and destroys the nice relationship they had, I would think she almost certainly will get offered a job, and soon, in the Trump organization, with Randal's blessing.

Everybody in that competition gave up so much to be there-Randal got to see his new wife ONE DAY during the filming as a prize! He deserves to go into the record books as The Apprentice for 2005, complete with the advantage that will confer in his future career. Going into the record books as Randal & Rebecca doesn't cut it.
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 12:01 pm
One other thing to consider. We ahve seen Randal and Rebecca grow close over the course of several weeks. But in the last few days, Randal also grew close with some other people-the team he selected of past candidates, all of whom could not possibly benefit from their hard work on Randal's behalf except the satisfaction of seeing Randal win. Josh especially stood out.

In the last Apprentice, Kendra said, after the last task, that the first thing she wants to do is hire them all once she gets the job. I have no idea if she followed through on that, or was empowered to follow through on that. It is conceivable that both teams have the notion that if their candidate wins, they can get hired, but that is a vague possibility, at best.

Before you write off Randal as being selfish, remember that in the last three days he grew close to Josh, Marshawn and the other fellow, and if he is feeling generous, he might be more inclined to share it with them.

Final note: Josh was the project manager on that disastrous baseball task, where he got himself and three teammates eliminated. On the way out, he turned to Trump and said, "I'm better than this Mr. Trump..." and Trump disgustedly waved him off and said "I know, you all are. Now get out".

Well, I think Josh certainly proved he was better, much better, than that debacle. It was satisfying to see him redeem himself so completely.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 12:22 pm
RNO recap:

Trump says that he’s thinking about hiring Rebecca too, and wants Randal’s opinion. Randal says that while she’s good, the name of the show is The Apprentice, not The Apprentii, so there should be only one. Okay, Trump says. He was thinking about hiring Rebecca, but now he won’t. Randal continues to celebrate as the credits roll.

What the hell was that? Randal has been saying all along that Rebecca is a worthy oppontent, and that he respects her and thinks she’s talented. But he doesn’t want Trump to give her a job. Not because she’s not good enough, but because he doesn’t want to share the glory? And Trump decides to take the advice from someone who has worked for him for less time than it takes to pour a cup of coffee? That’s pitiful. This doesn’t have to be a zero sum “I win, you lose” game for Randal. He’d still have the job he wanted, and he’d still be Trump’s first choice, but Rebecca would have a great opportunity as well. Yet Randal refuses to share even a little bit of the glory. In that very quick moment, I was no longer able to feel as happy for Randal. This really ended things on a sour note, and I’m disappointed.


Randal lost esteem in the eyes of other people when he chose to be a selfish, egotistical jerk rather than a gracious winner.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 12:48 pm
Another RNO article:

I’d like to say a few words on Randal’s actions after he won, when he denied Rebecca a chance to be hired as well. I can’t read his mind so I don’t totally know his motives. However, I do think he could have handled it in a better fashion. I would understand if his point was that there should only be one winner. Fine. But why deny Rebecca an opportunity to be hired? While it’s easy to Monday-morning (or in this case, Friday-morning) quarterback, I do think Randal should have replied differently. He could have said, "Mr. Trump, I think Rebecca would be a great person to hire outside of this Apprentice process." Or, "I don't think she has enough experience to do the job you suggested, but she should be hired in some capacity. In fact, I'd love for her to work for me." Etc.

Randal went through the entire show as one of the most-liked contestants. He won based partly on this fact. But if my e-mail is any indication, he lost pretty much all of that goodwill in just that one moment.

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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 01:57 pm

Your quotes forgot to include the line Randal said just before his Apprentii remark. I don't have the exact quote, I will look it up, but it went something like this: "Right today, at this moment, I would not agree with offering her a job...."

Randal wanted there to be just one winner, and he earned it. Perhaps he did not go out of his way to clear the way for Rebecca, but he did not block it either. Randal entered the show, as he should have, intent on getting himself the job as The Apprentice. All his energies were directed as making sure that he got the job, not her. At his euphoric moment of glory, I think we can understand that he is not going to make his first task as Trump's Apprentice negotiating whether or not his opponent gets hired as co-Apprentice, Apprentice with an asterisk, or anything like it.

Any hiring of Rebecca, which I think is going to happen anyway, should be done later and for a lesser pay scale. Unless there is some falling out between them over this, I would be surprised if Randal does not go along with it. But if Rebecca got that job at the same time as Randal, there was the distinct possibility that she would be the co-Apprentice, and Randal did not want that to happen.
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Debra Law
Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2005 03:35 pm

You're saying the same thing that I said: Randal didn't want to share the spotlight.

What does that say about him? In his egotistical mind, that there absolutely had to be a LOSER that night in order to make him a winner?

You can admire him for his decision, but I don't share your admiration.

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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 08:47 am
Also, as far as the task where Rebecca was the project manager and Randal worked with her - it was in Randal's best interest for them to win. If they won - no boardroom and a guaranteed spot in the final three plus a reward. If he did not work his hardest in the task, that would always be a reason to fire him.

In addition, there are no rules in these games. In just this season, Trump broke his previous rules. For example, when a team loses he states, back to the boardroom where one of you will be fired. As we did see, he fired more than one in a couple of situations. He is the boss, he runs the show, he is the one to make and break the rules. So the one winner thing is not necessarily a rule, if Trump doesn't want it to be.

Also, why would this diminish Randal's win. He still won - he would still be the apprentice, he would just also hire Rebecca. Trump never mentioned that Rebecca would also be the apprentice, just that he would hire her too.

As a side note, survivor also changed it rules once on two winners. In the all-stars survivor had the one sole survivor, but also allowed the audience to vote for an additional winner of a million. Did that diminish Amber's win? Why would it? She was noted as sole survior and still had a cool mil.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 05:43 pm
Trump's name or Martha Stewart's name are not associated with Survivor. The other participants vote people off, there is no one person hiring or firing people.

The multiple firing thing is new, that is true, but it does not change the basic idea of the show-if the prospective employer thinks you screwed up, out you go. The individual who emerges from this process not only has a one year guaranteed job of half a million dollars-they have a name in the business world that will follow them for quite a few years. Although many of these contestants can look bad on these tasks, all of them have proven competence in their field, and quite a few of them are multimillionaires on their own. Being The Apprentice-the best of a successful group of people-really is a valuable title.

The participants were guaranteed a single winner, the audience was guaranteed a single winner, and Trump and Martha guaranteed us a single winner. What Survivor does is a separate issue-I rarely watch it, I think it is kind of a false situation.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 06:11 pm
Linkat wrote:
Also, as far as the task where Rebecca was the project manager and Randal worked with her - it was in Randal's best interest for them to win. If they won - no boardroom and a guaranteed spot in the final three plus a reward. If he did not work his hardest in the task, that would always be a reason to fire him.

Yes, in theory it is in the interest of everyone to work hard to avoid a loss. But not everyone does. Remember, Randal encouraged her to take the task, even though Rebecca had been project manager of the satellite radio song project, which she lost. Randall could have taken the next one, but he not only did not fight for it, he encouraged her to take it, on the grounds that even if he wins, Rebecca can not go into the final three with zero wins and two losses. She needed a win, and Randal was doing his best to get it for her.

Strategically, if Rebecca loses two projects in a row that she is the manager, and has a record of 0-3, it sure wasn't going to be Randal they were going to cut loose. He's 3-0. You know how Trump talks about "losers".

Don't forget, Randal was seen resolutely staring at the camera before the task began, saying, "I have to get a victory for Rebecca, I have to get a victory for Rebecca". Now, unless Randal is the biggest con artist on the show-and please show me one instance where he wasn't decent and straightforward with anybody-he was out to get her the win.

Finally, Randal's performance on the video as the harried manager was above and beyond the call of duty. Don't tell me the fellow is not trying when he out-acts a professional actor!

I really don't know what else Randal could do to convince anyone that he really was trying for Rebecca.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2005 11:33 pm
Debra_Law wrote:

You're saying the same thing that I said: Randal didn't want to share the spotlight.

What does that say about him?

It says that he won this thing fair and square, after much effort, and he wants the same thing that the other winners who won got-the tile of The Apprentice. Nobody seems to think they were selfish. And they weren't. Neither is Randal.

Linkat wrote:
Also, why would this diminish Randal's win. He still won - he would still be the apprentice, he would just also hire Rebecca. Trump never mentioned that Rebecca would also be the apprentice, just that he would hire her too.

See, here is the problem. Trump is not the sort of person you give answers with qualifiers or nuances to. When he asks you a question, he wants a straight answer. A short, straight answer. You have seen the boardroom scenes. Trump is forever cutting people off in mid sentence after he heard all he feels like.

If this was Martha, I think it is possible that Randal would have chanced a detailed answer that he would not object to Rebecca's hiring, as long as it was understood Randal was The Apprentice. But with Trump? If Randal says anything affirmative at all, there is at least a 50% chance Trump declares it the first double winner in Apprentice history and Randal would be stuck trying to interject, "Err, but that isn't exactly what I meant".

You can call Randal selfish if you want, and I admit I was a little taken aback by Randal's refusal. But Randal has been such a decent, sympatheric, honest person throughout this entire process, that I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt.

I do believe, if you review the whole transcript of the show, that Randal specified that "on that day, at that moment", he didn't think hiring Rebecca would be appropriate, and he went further to explain, as quickly as he could before he got cut off by Trump, that his concern would be that she would considered co-Apprentice. He left the door wide open for Rebecca to be hired in some other capacity.

When you work so hard to win something, it isn't for others to decide to give half of it away.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 03:13 pm
Why are they guaranteed a single winner? Who guaranteed this? I did not see any guarantee. Doesn't Trump as hiring manager make the rules? I was only using survivor as an example that rules can be broken if the producer of the show decides as such.

Just remember this is TV and even though they call this reality TV it is not reality and the producers do what they want to sell. In addition, think of the real world. If an employer found two great outstanding candidates, but only advertised for one opening...the employer decides to hire both --- does that mean the employer is wrong?

I also didn't state that Randal was not trying for Rebecca, but explaining that it was in his best interest to try hard for himself. But overall you cannot take what one says on this show for 100% truth. Sure he may have wanted to win for Rebecca, but I highly doubt that is why he tried his darnest.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2005 09:34 pm

Who promised a single winner? Pretty much the whole show, starting with the commercials that aired before the first episode was ever shown.

It is true that, theoretically, Trump can do what he wants, personnel wise. But the whole premise of the show, from the very first, is that a large group of carefully screened, successful people will go through a winnowing out process until the final winner is left. And that winner will be The Apprentice.

It really is the premise of the whole show.

By comparison, the multiple firings are trivial. It is understood that there will be an elimination process taking quite a few weeks. If a few multiple firings are included, the show's premise remains the same. Multiple hirings would change the premise of the show, however.
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