Tue 6 Sep, 2005 02:23 pm
My hotwater heater seems to be releasing hotwater from the pressure relief - anyone know the why, how, and what to do?
How old is it? If it is old that would be a good sign you need a new one.
You probably need to give it a new thermostat, and, once those things start releasing water from the pressure relief they have a tendency to leak. You may end up replacing the pressure relief valve, too. Check for signs of leaking and other advanced wear before doing much to it and don't set the thermostat overly high.
If it's a new one, the thermostat may just be set too high.
If you have very hard water and your thermostat is to high calcification can occur quickly. This will cause the problem you mentioned
seems ok right now - thanks for the advice\education\indoemation sharing.