nacredambition wrote:
Who doesn't love two old blokes with the loves off.
Await the bait with bated breath, especially any attempt to refute that atheism, rather than being a blind guess, is simply an understanding that without any shred of evidence whatsoever for supernatural creation logic predicates disbelief.
Nac, I am not talking about asserting, "There is no logical, scientific, or mathematical reason for 'believing' that a GOD exists." I agree wholeheartedly that there IS NO logical, scientific, or mathematical reason for 'believing' that a GOD exists. I assert that myself.
Nor am I suggesting that there is anything wrong with making the blind guess that no gods exist.
I am talking about people who assert, as Edgar has done, "There are no gods." It is my contention that doing so is as much a blind guess about the REALITY (either there is at least one or there are none)...as is the assertion, "There is at least one god."
If you would like to challenge what I am saying there, please do so. I would love to discuss it with you...and we can do so in a reasonable, cordial way.