I will tell you of my friends from Thailand, and what they shared with me from their country. Maybe you can get some ideas from what I'm going to write.
I met this guy from Thailand (I almost became Mrs Ratanaputtasakorn), and he introduced me to many of his Thai friends. They gave me many gifts.
The ladies gave me simple Thai dresses, and small dancing dolls. I gave the dresses to my troop of Brownie girl scouts, and we put on a nice little presentation of Thailand for their parents.

One of the ladies used to be a classical dancer, and she tried to teach me how to dance. Well, my torso, and feet learned the movements, but, my neck, and fingers would not. I could not get my fingers to go back as far, and as gracefully as they could. Has, dance changed in modern Thailand? Maybe you can write about that.

Ratanaputtasakorn told me that in his country men had to serve for a time in the Buddhist temples. He gave me a white metal charm of his teacher to hang on a chain (it has a brass chain now). It is oval, part of it is hollow, and it has the face of his teacher in brass. The hollow part had wax in it, and I cleaned it out so I could see the face of the emaciated looking teacher. I still have this. Do men still have to serve in the Buddhist temples today?
He also told me that men, and women did not wash their clothes together. This I found insulting. You can write about changing customs.

He also gave me two small buddha statues that looked something like this. The ones I had were of a darker stone. One was chubby like this one, the other one was of a thinner looking budda, and they were about one inch and a half in hight, and about one inch wide. He said they were over a hundred years old. I sold these.

He also gave me two books. One of the books was about: House on the Klong. The Bangkok Home and Asian Art Collection of James Thompson. These two pictures are from the book, but it has more beautiful pictures of rooms, and Thai art. I first learned about teak wood from Adisak. Maybe you can write about the changes in architecture in your country.
He also gave me a book on the Budda. It has Buddhas from Burma, Tibet, China, and more. It has big ones and little ones. Very beautiful. You could also write about the temples in your country.
I have not seen my friends for a few years now. But, I will never forget what they shared with me.
"What is the goal of your life?" To learn from as many different people as I can. For truly variety is the spice of life. I would like to be able to travel more. But, if I can't, then right here in NY we have people from all over the world, and they are all beautiful. It also helps to have a small united nations for a family.
I have not been to modern Thailand, but maybe some here have, and would be happy to share their experience with you.
Good Luck