"Buster", it's definately gonna be "Buster". Buster of Mars. Classic. Like Eric the Red or Roger the Cabinboy, yknow. Buster.....yeah.
Ok, what the hell is with women comparing chocolate to sex?
Chocolate is tasty, but I'd never turn down a naked girl for a Hershey bar.
I want answers. I can handle the truth.
Sex is better, but chocolate is a not-so-distant runner-up. Science says that chocolate produces some of the same side effects as sex.
Sure, we'll put a man on Mars. A few of them, and women, too. Only it won't be NASA or the Russkie, or even Japan. Nope, it'll be CBS's last wheezing attempt to prolong the life of the reality-show genre. 82 people will tune in as Toby stumbles out of the landing capsule, gasping and dying because Tammi cut open his sexy space suite with her nail file, a clip which will be aired again the following Sunday, as Bob Sagat wittily voices over, "I bet you wouldn't have done this if we'd gone to Venus! Urp..."
Since when does sex make you fat? I don't know where this "science"you're referring to comes from. I knew beer has female hormones in it though...
Patio, I had a dream that happened last night. Is that weird? Hopefully, though, Bob Saget will have been assasinated by the time we put Toby on Mars.
Only Marsupials really belong there,
and no, you already had supper.
(Does Toby have a pouch for carrying immature young?)
Bob Sagat? Die? I don't think it'll happen. I saw him at a Tom Waits show in L.A. a few years back. Weird. My seats were better, but he still had that reek of perpetual-life-in-exchange-for-soul deal. He's the next Dick Clark, or that Linda lady on SportsCenter.
Pdog - brilliant concept! <the reality TV as the Mars frontiersmen thing>
Slappy - you know that thing when women get all snuggly and lovy after sex? No? Oh well, that's the cocolate connection.
Um, yeah....no, I don't know that thing. I'm too busy playing video games, and she's too busy fetching me a beer.
Nobody can slap me online. HOO-YAH!
remind me to slap you in public if'n you ever come to one of the gatherings.
"Hey. Kris. Over here. It's me, Slappy. Remember that time, in band camp, I made that comment about making women fetch me beers after sex? Yeah, that's right. Go ahead, take your best shot."
Naaah, I've never been a slapper.
Slappy, what's with the title to this thread? Why the extra aaaas? I keep hearing the title like one of those monster truck show radio ads with the echoes.
Ever watch Conan O'Brien? He used to do a skit where he'd sit there with a cloth over his head, a flashlight up against his face, with a crystal ball in front of him, sing "In the year two-thousaaaand" in a really high pitch, and make these funny predictions.
Quote:you know that thing when women get all snuggly and lovy after sex?
Nope, it's straight down the pub to tell me mates!
nah, i just give 'em the money and kick 'em out.