Tue 1 Apr, 2003 10:36 am
Do you think we'll ever put a man on Mars?
I do. And I bet the bank that man's name will be Toby
Who is Toby..that is a good question.
Mars are good but i like O'Henry and Snickers better.
You see, I like Baby Ruth and English toffee. Mars was never that important in my life.

Baby Ruth or chocolate martinis. What was the question?
And what for do we need a man on Mars? Do we need one more planet to pollute?
Well, yeah. This one's about full.
Great one Rog, let us put our toxic waste on another planet.
Snickers are a food group and I don't need to get polluted to eat one.
Hey SlapDog, mightn't be such a good idea. If they (whoever they are, only they know who they are) manage that feat, they might end up putting EVERY man on Mars.
And all the good astronaut names are a bit more macho than 'Toby'. More like 'Chuck' or 'Buzz' or 'Neil' or 'Yuri', my money's on 'Sven'.
Slappy. if we absolutely must stay on topic, why do you think the astronaut's name would be Toby?
Chocolate is a bean, in one of the more important food groups.
Diane, why not?
I betcha' his name will be Toby.
Toby on Mars.
Toby won't mind polluting Mars. After all, it's just Toby.
Diane! So glad you made that chocolate is a bean point. I always lose sight of that fact. <bliss>
I thought chocolate was a candy.
Oh Slappy, chocolate is soooo much more than candy. It is sometimes considered better than sex. Chocolate is a necessity!!
nono! chocolate is not candy! <gasp!> Mars bars are, but chocolate isn't. Cocoa is a bean, add a little sugar and some fat, but not much..... candy is higher in sugar and/or fat than good chocolate is.
Littlek, Exactly--chocolate is a health food.