Enters a man with a megaphone, and eight policemen. Attention please! I represent the board of health. It has come to our attention that some members of the now closed Kicky's Saloon are now operating in this local. Before we can allow you to continue operating here, each member must pass a mandatory health test. Yes, safe sex has come to A2K Stray Cat's Bistro.

After the exam you will be given a card that looks like this. It will have your name, address, results of your exam, and sexual orientationS. It will also have the names of your choice of happy drugs. I repeat, this is mandatory! To refuse can land you in jail, and you will miss all the good times. We will supply the transportation please follow the police in an orderly manner.

Kicky, and his brother make a run for the door. They try to reach their bikes to escape, but are stopped by the police.

The rest of the customers run out the door screaming, we won't go, we won't go! They sit on the ground, and form a human chain. The police look on while they wait for police backup.
What will happen to Stray Cat's Bistro, and it's customers