(Snaps fingers at lovely server) Oh, please! Give Angelique her fruit and her wine!
(Stray Cat goes up to microphone, sobbing) Ladies and Gentlemen!
And as usual, I use the terms loosely!
I've had a great run, here at Stray Cat's Bistro!
But every woman needs something -- besides success and money.
So, here's my something else---
(Barechested Guy wearing leather sleeveless jacket -- tight leather pants, a few gold chains around the neck -- walks in)
I'd like for you to meet -- Bull Dog!!
Oh, I know what you're thinking -- how could somebody like me -- be with something like --- that! Lemme just say...easy!
(Bull Dog grabs Stray and slobbers a big kiss on her)
So, I'm gonna be leaving the ol' Bistro -- and I'd like to turn it over to Eva. If she's interested -- it's hers!
C'mon, baby! (Walks off with Bull Dog...jazz band strikes up "Isn't It Romantic")
Have you started serving the assy, yet?
Just coz' I lov ol' Bulldog, doesn't mean I'd serve somebody like him!!
Anyway, we're running off to Hackensack, New Jersey to get married tonight!!
And I'm taking lil' Kickycat, and Stray Kitten -- my two beautiful kids -- with me!
You might as well know -- their father is ....(Dun..Dun..Duuuunnnn)...Kickycan!!
OK. Let me know when you start letting the riff-raff in.
Re: !
Stray Cat wrote:So, I'm gonna be leaving the ol' Bistro -- and I'd like to turn it over to Eva. If she's interested -- it's hers!
<grabs champagne bottle from waiter, downs the whole thing>
Man, what a day I'm having! First Shewolf drops a few hundred thousand in my lap, then I get a thriving new business just handed to me, free and clear! WOW!
You BET I'm interested!
<catches the keys to the joint that Stray Cat tosses to her>
Drinks are on the house tonight, folks!
<discreetly slips $10,000 into Stray Cat's pocket for wedding present, whispers "Now you can afford a better honeymoon than Hackensack!">
Thanks, Eva! Well, we were thinkin' bout New Orleans...but I guess that's out....maybe...Bermuda!!
What do ya think, kids?
Kickycat: That sucks!! New Orleans'd be cool! Bermuda's for wussie tools!
Stray Kitten (stops sucking on sippy cup): Ahhhhh! Yeah! New Orleans!! Bermudie sucks!
Stray Cat: (sobs)...Oh! You remind me so much of your father!!
For Reyn by Diana Krall
Stop This World
Stop this world
Let me off
There's just too many pigs in the same trough
There's too many buzzards sitting on the fence
Stop this world
It's not making sense
Stop this show
Hold the phone
Better days this girl has known
Better days so long ago
Hold the phone
Won't you stop the show
Well, it seems my little playhouse has fallen down
I think my little ship has run aground
I feel like I'm in the wrong place
My state of mind is a disgrace
Won't you stop this game
Deal me out
I know too well what it's all about
I know too well that it had to be
Stop this game well it's ruining me
Well, I got too smart for my own good
I just don't do the things I know I should
There's bound to be some better way
I just got one thing more to say
And that is
Stop this game
Deal me out
I know too well what it's all about
I know too well that it had to be
Stop this game
Well, it's wrecking me
And since we are celebrating love tonight; here is a love song.
Diana Krall
Love Me Like a Man
The men that I've been seeing
They got their soul up on a shelf
You know they could never love me
When they can't even love themselves
And I want someone to love me
Someone who really understands
Who won't put himself above me
Who just love me like a man
I never seen such losers, darling
Even though I tried
To find a man who can take me home instead of
Taking me for a ride
And I need someone to love me
Darling, I know you can
Don't you put yourself above me
You just love me like a man
They all want me to rock them
Like my back ain't got no bone
I want a man to rock me
Like my backbone was his own
Darling, I know you can
Believe it when I tell you
You can love me like a man
Came home sad and lonely
I feel like I wanna cry
Want a man to hold me
Not some fool who asks me why
And I need someone to love me
Baby, you can't
Don't you put yourself above me
Just love me like a man
Re: !
Eva wrote:Stray Cat wrote:So, I'm gonna be leaving the ol' Bistro -- and I'd like to turn it over to Eva. If she's interested -- it's hers!
<grabs champagne bottle from waiter, downs the whole thing>
Man, what a day I'm having! First Shewolf drops a few hundred thousand in my lap, then I get a thriving new business just handed to me, free and clear! WOW!
You BET I'm interested!
<catches the keys to the joint that Stray Cat tosses to her>
Drinks are on the house tonight, folks!
<discreetly slips $10,000 into Stray Cat's pocket for wedding present, whispers "Now you can afford a better honeymoon than Hackensack!">
Eva will do a lovely job, and she has more time to give the Bristro. Good luck Stray Cat, and good luck to you Eva.
Stray Cat wrote:ME? NEVER, LASH, NEVER!!
Just coz' I lov ol' Bulldog, doesn't mean I'd serve somebody like him!!
Anyway, we're running off to Hackensack, New Jersey to get married tonight!!
And I'm taking lil' Kickycat, and Stray Kitten -- my two beautiful kids -- with me!
You might as well know -- their father is ....(Dun..Dun..Duuuunnnn)...Kickycan!!
Congratulations Stray Cat

I must say this is the only surprise for me tonight. Wow, how kewl, I see

. Kicky was your husband wow.
Hey, Angelique, thanks for those 2 tunes! Nice to hear!
Are you going to be working here now?
Look at that. I step out for a week or two, and there's anew joint in town opened!
well, i'll have a scotch on the rocks while i take a look around...
<saunters in the door wearing a red silk shawl covered in Chinese embroidery and 4" Jimmy Choos>
Good morning! Good to see everyone! Are you all enjoying the music? Food is good? Everyone comfortable? Great!
<aside> Angelique, could I speak to you for a moment? In the office, please?
<picks up pot of coffee and two cups at waitress's station, carries it to office>
Hi everyone,
Your very welcome Reyn anytime. I don't think so. Eva will have this place running in no time with real class, and have everyone behaving including me. *turns red*
Eva, I have a little time now if you do. If not I will come back this evening. Will wait a while.
Miss, when your not busy can I please have a small bowl of fresh fruit. Thanks.
Eva, I heard this place is mob-connected--I hope you realized that before you signed the papers...apparently, Stray Cat has gotten pretty far behind in her "protection" payments to Rocco and Mario...now you see why she seems to want to skip town so quickly. I hope you have a lot of money to pay these guys off...I heard bad things about what they do to people who don't pay their due.
Stray Cat wrote:And I'm taking lil' Kickycat, and Stray Kitten -- my two beautiful kids -- with me!
You might as well know -- their father is ....(Dun..Dun..Duuuunnnn)...Kickycan!!
i don't care how far you go, or who you go with, I will follow you, and I will find you...and when I do, as god is my witness, I WILL HAVE MY CHILDREN BACK!!!
Oh, dear, so much drama. *puts hands to forehead* *giggles*
Stray Cat wrote:
Just coz' I lov ol' Bulldog, doesn't mean I'd serve somebody like him!!
Anyway, we're running off to Hackensack, New Jersey to get married tonight!!
: quietly slips the rest of the payment into bulldog's pocket as they pass by:
AHhh.. nothing like a good friend to lure away the competition.. :wink:
what do you want now?