Whenever you're cooking with flour, it's an estimate due to the humidity, etc. Basically it's flour and eggs - you salt the water not the pasta. 3 cups flour, 4 large eggs (or 4 c flour, 5 eggs - depends on how much you want to make).
You won't wear your arm out with your Kitchen Aid attachment
Most chefs recommend rolling it through the largest opening (0 or 1) 4 or 5 times, folding it between rolls, then doing 1 or 2 passes through the others down to the lowest number, making sure you lightly flour the pasta between rolls - you don't want it sticking! And don't wash the pasta maker - just brush the flour off. And using bread or pasta flour is preferable to AP or semolina flour - more pliable and gets thinner. Do you have somewhere to hang your pasta? Better figure that out first. Sometimes I use the racks in the oven to hang it on.
Good luck!