4 things to remember about (Trump), (Ukraine) and (Putin).

Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2024 12:39 am
4 things to remember about (Trump), (Ukraine) and (Putin).

Published March 26, 2022

Washington (CNN) — The Russian invasion of Ukraine didn’t just happen out of nowhere.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ratcheted up tensions with the West for the better part of the last decade – he annexed Crimea, meddled in US elections, poisoned an ex-spy on British soil, and more. Nearly every step of the way, former President Donald Trump parroted Kremlin talking points, excused Russian aggression and sometimes even embraced it outright.

It’s easy to forget that a few years ago, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky wasn’t known for his steely wartime leadership, but for getting dragged by Trump into the US political scandal that led to Trump’s first impeachment.

Experts say Trump’s actions weakened Ukraine, divided NATO, emboldened Putin and helped get us to where we are today. And even with Trump no longer in office, his impact lives on in the form of Putin-friendly commentary in conservative media and from some Republican lawmakers.

“One of the key reasons Putin probably felt comfortable launching the invasion of Ukraine was the extent to which the West has been weakened and destabilized, and democracy undermined, and political divisions sown, in the five years since he attacked our election in 2016,” said Garrett Graff, a historian and journalist with expertise in national security and Cold War issues.

Here are four things to remember about Trump, Ukraine and Putin.

1. Trump took Russia’s side when the conflict began

A popular revolution in 2014 ousted the pro-Russia regime in Kyiv, which was led by President Viktor Yanukovych, and replaced it with a Western-leaning government. Russian troops soon invaded the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, initiating the armed conflict that escalated this year.

Within weeks, Trump praised Putin for how he handled the takeover of Crimea and predicted that “the rest of Ukraine will fall … fairly quickly.” Echoing Kremlin propaganda, Trump said in a TV interview that the Crimean people “would rather be with Russia,” a position he also pushed in private. One of his 2016 campaign aides falsely claimed that “Russia did not seize Crimea.”

“Trump said that Crimea is Russian, because people speak Russian,” said Elena Petukhova of Molfar, a Kyiv-based business intelligence firm, who called it an “absolutely pro-Kremlin” view. “According to this logic, the entire territory of the United States should belong to Great Britain.”

When Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine shot down a commercial airliner in 2014, killing 298 people, Trump sowed doubt about Russia’s involvement. He embraced Putin’s denials, even after US and European officials publicly concluded that Russia was complicit.

Trump’s campaign chairman Paul Manafort – who had spent a decade advising Yanukovych in Ukraine – collaborated in 2016 with a Russian spy on a secret plan for Trump to help Russia control eastern Ukraine, according to special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. The proposal envisioned that Yanukovych would return to lead a Russian puppet state in eastern Ukraine.

This pro-Russian rhetoric didn’t always translate into policy for the Trump White House. For instance, his administration said sanctions would continue until Russia returned Crimea. But the rhetoric gave Putin an unexpected cheerleader in DC and created tensions within NATO.

2. Trump’s mixed record on arming Ukraine

President Joe Biden has dramatically increased the flow of arms to Ukraine, including anti-tank missiles, anti-aircraft systems, drones, rifles and other weapons. Importantly, it was Trump who first sent lethal aid, in a major reversal from the Obama administration, which refused to send offensive weapons to Ukraine during the early stages of fighting in the eastern Donbas region.

But Trump has a checkered past on this topic. As a candidate, his position was unclear at best. Trump campaign aides intervened during the 2016 Republican National Convention to block language from the GOP party platform that called on the US to send lethal arms to Ukraine.

And in 2019, Trump infamously withheld nearly $400 million in military aid as part of his attempt to pressure Zelensky into announcing sham corruption investigations into Biden and his family’s business dealings. The weapons in the stalled aid package included the Javelin missiles that have emerged as a crucial part of Ukraine’s surprisingly robust defenses against Russian tanks.

This led to Trump’s first impeachment, but he was acquitted by the GOP-run Senate. Some of the Republicans who opposed his impeachment are now urging Biden to send more weapons.

“The GOP is the party of the Russia hawks. For a half-century, one of their central organizing principles was opposing the Soviet threat,” Graff said, adding that Trump upended that history and made some Republicans go soft on Putin. “But in this last month, a lot of Republicans who became wishy-washy on Russia have come back to their natural position as Russia hawks.”

3. Trump led an anti-Ukraine smear campaign

Throughout his presidency, Trump pushed a litany of false claims about Ukraine – in public and private. He rarely missed an opportunity to criticize the country. A widely respected diplomat testified to Congress that Trump believed “Ukraine was a corrupt country, full of terrible people.”

Trump’s biggest lie was about the 2016 election. He rejected the reality that Russia interfered to help him win. Instead, he falsely claimed it was Ukraine who meddled, and that he was the victim. These lies, which he repeated dozens of times, were a double boon to the Kremlin: they downplayed Russia’s brazen attack on US democracy, while simultaneously smearing Ukraine.

These views quickly became the party line for GOP lawmakers and conservative pundits, even though top Russia experts like Fiona Hill publicly warned that it was all Russian propaganda.

This was a break from decades of warm US policy toward Ukraine, especially when dealing with leaders like Zelensky who tried to reorient the country toward the West. Former President George W. Bush praised the Ukrainian people in 2004 for protesting a rigged election, and Obama celebrated the 2014 revolution that ousted a Kremlin-friendly government in Kyiv.

“When Trump muddies the water by praising Putin, or undermines Zelensky and spreads falsehoods about Ukraine, this has real implications for how this crisis plays out,” said Jordan Gans-Morse, a Northwestern University professor who was a Fulbright Scholar in Ukraine. “It shapes public opinion in ways that tie Biden’s hands when he’s a de facto wartime president.”

4. Trump repeatedly undermined Zelensky

GQ magazine recently wrote about Zelensky’s “endless heroism” and Time magazine said he “united the world.” But the mythos of Zelensky as a Churchill-like figure is a new development.

Less than three years ago, Zelensky was a fledgling politician that Trump and his cronies took advantage of as part of a ham-handed attempt to smear candidate Biden. The US-Ukraine relationship was put on the backburner and replaced with Trump’s personal and political needs.

Zelensky’s top priorities were to get more shipments of American weapons and to meet Trump at the White House. Veteran US diplomats in Kyiv shared this goal. But they were smeared and sidelined – and replaced by a band of Trump loyalists who made his demands clear: Zelensky could only get these things if he announced that Ukraine was investigating Biden for corruption.

This strong-arming by Team Trump forced Zelensky, in his first months in office, to navigate a surprisingly hostile relationship with the US, a supposed top ally in his fight against Russia.

“Zelensky had more than enough on his plate when he came to power,” Gans-Morse said. “The country was already at war with Russia. He’s a political novice. And then, on top of that, the most powerful person in the world essentially extorted him, and he had to devote time and energy to deal with that. It’s unclear what the full impact was, but it definitely tested Zelensky.”

Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:07 am
@Real Music,
Trump and Putin are war criminals. They don't care about the people in Ukraine, death stokes their egos......sick, ain't it?
Real Music
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:18 am
1. I believe that the Putin MAGA Republicans will do everything in their power to see that Ukraine does not receive any further aid to help them in their fight against Putin's invasion.

2. I believe the Putin MAGA Republicans are getting their orders from Trump.

3. I believe that Trump is ordering the Putin MAGA Republicans in Congress to stop providing aid to Ukraine, because Trump wants to hand over Ukraine to Putin on a silver platter.

4. I believe that Trump has a real hatred for Ukraine.

5. I believe that Trump has a real hatred for N.A.T.O.

6. I believe that Trump has a real love for Vladimir Putin.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:33 am
1. I also believe that the Putin MAGA Republicans want to weaken the national security and the national defense of the United States.

2. That especially includes any agencies or departments that have anything to do with America's national security and national defense.

3. I believe that weakening America's national security and national defense is what Trump wants.

4. I believe that weakening America's national security and national defense is what Putin wants.

5. I believe that weakening America's national security and national defense is what the Putin MAGA Republicans want.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2024 01:36 am
Trump and Putin are war criminals. They don't care about the people in Ukraine, death stokes their egos......sick, ain't it?

Not only do they not care about the people of Ukraine, I believe they have a since of hatred and disdain toward Ukraine and NATO.
0 Replies
Real Music
Reply Sat 24 Feb, 2024 01:54 am
(Discharge Petition) against Mike Johnson moves closer:
'Votes are There'

Published Feb 23, 2024

Democrats are planning to introduce a discharge petition in a bid to force a House vote on providing additional support for Ukraine, after Speaker Mike Johnson declined to allow one, according to one of their representatives.

Posting on X, formerly Twitter, New Jersey Democrat Bill Pascrell Jr. said a discharge petition would be "coming soon" and questioned whether there are "a dozen Republicans with a shred of courage to sign it."

The Senate passed a $95 billion aid package, including an additional $60 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, on February 13 but the legislation must also pass the House before it can be signed into law by President Joe Biden. However, Johnson has refused to hold a House vote on the package which he said is "silent on the most pressing issue facing our country," in reference to illegal immigration.

A successful discharge petition would allow the legislation to be brought to a vote without Johnson's backing, but this would require the support of 218 House members including at least four Republicans, and likely more as some Democrats oppose the package because it also sends aid to Israel.

On X, Pascrell Jr. posted: "Coming soon: Democrats will introduce a discharge petition to bring Ukraine funding to the House floor. I will be on line to sign it. The votes are there. Are there a dozen republicans with a shred of courage to sign it and help Ukraine survive? Stay tuned."

He accompanied this with a mocked up discharge petition with his signature and a note reading: "Needed: Just 10-15 Republicans with a shred of courage."

Pascrell Jr.'s message was widely shared, receiving more than 390,000 views and 4,300 reposts.

Newsweek reached out to the office of Speaker Johnson at 5 a.m. ET. This article will be updated if they decide to comment.

Campaign group Republicans for Ukraine has launched a six-figure advertising bid calling on House GOP members to support a discharge petition to force a vote on the overseas aid bill.

They campaign is being targeted at the ten House Republicans they deem most likely to sign such a motion. These are Mike Gallagher (WI), Ken Buck (CO), Mike McCaul (TX), Mike Rogers (AL), Mike Turner (OH), Don Bacon (NE), Steve Womack (AR), Jake Ellzey (TX), Brian Fitzpatrick (PA) and Dan Crenshaw (TX).

A one-minute video produced by the group, which has been viewed more than a million times on YouTube, features a number of "lifelong Republican voters" explaining why they think Ukraine needs additional American support against the Russian invasion.

Speaking to Newsweek, Gunner Ramer, a Republicans for Ukraine spokesperson, said: "For generations, the Republican Party prided itself on standing up to dictators and leading the free world. Many Republicans, including many in Congress, still identify with that party and that role for America. Right now the critical issue in the world is whether free countries will help defeat Putin in Ukraine.

"Republicans have a chance to make history, but only if they get to vote. That's why they should sign a discharge petition—it only takes four, but there's safety in numbers. These 10 members have been leaders on Ukraine and American national security in the past, and it's time for them to be leaders again."

Last week, the Donbass city of Avdiivka fell to Russian forces, making it the first major Ukrainian settlement to be captured since May 2023. Defenders complained repeatedly about shortages of ammunition, and in particular artillery shells, during the battle.

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Real Music
Reply Thu 18 Apr, 2024 07:02 pm
New report shows role of Republican useful idiots in weakening U.S., advancing Putin's goals.

New reporting in the Washington Post describes a Russian foreign policy document laying out a strategy of undermining Western support for Ukraine by weakening countries Russia sees as adversaries, including the United States, with tactics that include spreading some of the same propaganda that some Republican lawmakers have been reciting. Senator Chris Murphy joins to discuss with Alex Wagner.

Published April 17, 2024

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