An explanation is as follows.
The primary source for the spin of objects in the cosmos is the electromagnetic fields which saturate it..
These electromagnetic fields cause all objects spin in the cosmos at the macro and micro levels.
All objects that spin within these electromagnetic fields are electromagnets with N and S poles.
All the N and S poles of all the spinning electromagnets in the cosmos at the macro and micro levels interact in a balanced and symmetrical way.In other words all the 4 off possible electromagnetic interactions between all the spinning electromagnets are vibratory and symmetrically balanced by the push/pull formula +/-=+/-
The above is a united formula of the 4 off possible electromagnetic force interactions between any 2 spinning electromagnet objects.
The 4 off possible interactions are -/-….….-/+…….+/-……..+/+
The cosmos expands and contracts.
Electrons don’t fall into the nucleus because of balanced electromagnetic push/pull force interactions.
Everything vibrates in the cosmos.