I've been watching this myself. Hell, a
weather forecaster in Iowa had to secure protection for his family and eventually leave the state because of threats against him –
for discussing climate change. This is why most civilized countries don't allow the general public to have easy access to firearms and why the 2nd Amendment should have been repealed (or at least edited) back in the early 1800's when the USA realized it needed to rely on a standing army instead of network of local militias.
In the young country, there were legitimate reasons for citizens to own firearms – farmers who needed to protect livestock from predators, hunting as a source of food, etc. These weapons were single shot muzzle loaders, slow to load, awkward to use. But by the time of the Civil War, mass production of improved breech loaders, cartridges, revolvers, and reloading mechanisms became the norm. And after the Civil War, tens of thousands of military-grade weapons were left in the hands of returning soldiers – especially in the South, and especially to terrorize the newly-freed black population. Even today, the most gun deaths per capita are still found in the former Confederate states.
Even this level of gun ownership was kept somewhat under control through state and local laws. The courts didn't recognize an unlimited personal right to own firearms. And the weapons themselves were designed for hunting and target shooting. The real push for unlimited access to firearms began in the '60s and '70s as the NRA and the weapons manufacturers began a coordinated effort to convince people that they needed a weapon for their own personal safety.
But even this effort was still hampered by state and local regulations. This changed as the Supreme Court became more conservative. And at the same time, the guns became more lethal, capable of firing military ammunition from extended magazines out of small easy-to-carry semi-automatic rifles which could be fired from the hip. And pop culture went right along, featuring TV shows and movies which emphasized an atmosphere of fear and menace, relieved only when the pernicious drug dealers or human traffickers met their end in a bloody shootout.
And now, today, we have a major political party which stokes fear and racial tension, glorifies vigilantism, and is basically in the pocket of the NRA. The leading politician in this party regularly issues threats against public officials and says he could gun down someone on a city street and still be elected. His heavily-armed followers speak outright of their intention to right the perceived wrongs being done to them through gun violence. A kid hears about civil unrest in a neighboring state and heads there, shoots three people, killing two of them, and is acquitted. "Stand your ground" laws entitle people to shoot anyone who appears "threatening". Cops shoot fleeing suspects in the back for traffic violations. The level of insanity in this country is only matched by that in struggling nations with no history of democracy but plenty of guns – in all probability, sold to their military by the US and now widely distributed.
It's not enough that our way of life is threatened by industrial pollution, social inequality, and climate change – no, we also have to worry about being shot down in movie theaters, dance halls, and concerts by our fellow citizens. It's insane and I only see it changing for the worse.