We have a 2 story house.
On the second story, when bean was smaller ( about 5-6 months old ) we emptied a room of all furniture and used that for a 'play room' .
One day , and I dont remember the reason exactly, I was in there getting someting I believe, when i saw this big puff of smoke in the corner by the window. It just stayed there for what seemed like a half of a minute.. not moving and not " blowing away" like you would expect a real cloud of smoke to do. It was just.. well.. THERE.
Then it began moving as one big thing twords the window. It passed through it and outside and then was just gone. The entire time it held its shape. It was like a tall stretched oval.
There wasnt any strange smells to go along with it,the room wasnt cold, nothing like you would usually expect to hear or see or smell..
This was in the evening so there wasnt the possibility of it being a reflection from any toy from the sun, no option of it REALLY being smoke from cooking.. etc.
it was quite strange. But facinating.
Can't you cash in on it?
Haunted houses are tourist attractions here.
You would think a friendly ghost would have the decency to do all the housework.What's the point of ringing bells and twanging guitar strings and waking everybody up presumably.
In college, my girlfriends and I decided to visit a house on campus that had been locked up for years.
The story was that "Aunt Sarah" had died there and had loved the house so much she had requested that she be buried in the wall.
We didn't believe any of that.
So, we get our nerve up and visit the house one night after some beer and pizza (and some more beer) along with a couple of guy friends. In the attic we found boxes and boxes of very old Playboys. We girls all insisted that nothing be removed from the house. The guys didn't follow our reasoning and did take a couple of the magazines.
That night we got our first visit from "Aunt Sararh." I woke up with a feeling of chill and presence as if one of my girlfriends was standing over me. No one was there, but the feeling persisted. At breakfast I asked if one of them had come into my room which was connected via a bathroom in our dorm. Susans mouth dropped open and she exclaimed that she was going to ask the same thing. She then described the same feeling I had experienced.
Over time, we got used to things being moved, sounds being made, volumes being adjusted, etc. Our last year of college 3 of us got an apartment together. We had a routine of watching Cheers and LA Law every Thursday night. We hadn't heard from Aunt Sarah over the summer, but the first Thursday in our new apartment, she joined us for Cheers. A line was given, we laughed and then stopped abruptly. There was a fourth laugh!!
Aunt Sarah stayed the rest of the year, sometimes causing our puppy to look at a spot and bark at "nothing," No one heard from her again after we went our seperate ways.
We weren't afraid of her, so I totally understand where shewolf is coming from.
Having said all that, I think the original poster is talking about the Holy Spirit, not ghosts.
i didnt catch the religious undertone too well from the first post.. but i can see it.
this subject or 'title' was posted once under every thread.
i dont think its too bad that this one ended up being personal accounts of ( ahem) real ghosts. ;-)
shewolfnm wrote:I actually think it is pretty neat.
I mean, how many people can truly say their house is haunted? how many people get to ' see a REAL ghost?"
I love it and I hope, when we move, he follows
It sounds like you have a poltergeist. Alternately, have you ever seen
The Exorcist? :wink:
I've never lived in a house that I would define as haunted; a few wierd occurences in one--the dog occasionally barking at a specific spot in the living room, two of the cats would occasionally hiss and puff up at the same spot, what sounded like footsteps upstairs when I was the only one home (could have been the house settling, but sounded just like someone walking from room to room upstairs), what sounded like a pile of old paint cans toppling over in the basement but finding nothing out of place, etc. I have, however, always found it amusing that someone had passed away in both bedrooms I had growing up (two different but very old houses).
Then there's the church I used to help my mom clean when I was young...
someone passed away in this house as well.
wether or not it is that person , cant be proven TO much.
but the interest in the drums the ghost shares with the person who pased away is well.. a little strange.. ;-)
I see them now and then. The ones who care about semantics prefer to be known as "spirits," rather than "ghosts."
Sticking typewriter? Also, I was just wondering, what sort of 'proof' were you asking for? A ghost toe-nail clipping? or what? You are indeed, bloody hopeless.
I'm afraid you have rather spoiled your image with this stuff sw.
my image?
what did i do??
You can never hold yer head up in polite society again . . . oh, the unbearable shame . . .
I'm pretty sure she's used to her head being down. Just what I've heard around the water cooler, not that I know anything about her really. But, that's what some claim.
After this and the incident with raising her skirt and thumbing a ride to avoid higher gas prices, I'm afraid her image can't get more tarnished.
Carry on, sw.
squinney wrote:Carry on, sw.
I haven't the least doubt that she will . . .
worried about image?
> picks nose <
You said you were concerned about your image earlier in the week.
never concerned. More of.. just hating to defind my positions ( on that thread you are talking about at least )
that would have been a hard tiring defence
If you had been properly edgy-ma-kated, you'd have the decency to feel deep, deep shame and remorse for disappointing someone else's expectations . . .
huked on fonix werked fer me
The phenomenon of "ghosts" is interesting and cross-culturally existent and variable. I know an anthropologist who said he was taken into the forest (Africa) by a Bena informant to "see" a ghost. At one point in their trek the Bena pointed quickly and with satisfaction to a puff of mist. The anthropologist said he did not see a ghost, only a puff of mist. The Bene assured him that THAT WAS a ghost.
I can't explain, nor would I try to explain, Shewolf's experience. But I do suspect that familial "ghosts" do not stick around because they are attached to us. We believe we see them because we are attached to them. Who knows?
If I was a ghost I wouldn't stick around in this dump.
If you have a ghost it is educationally subnormal.