New theory of evolution

Reply Fri 27 Oct, 2023 08:04 am
New theory of evolution

Applied by me conception derives from social theory,
similarly was in the case of C. R. Darwin which used
conception of T.R. Malthus when he was elaborating
conspectus of his theory in 1842. Earlier, in 2008 I
worked out a framework of theory of social evolution,
basing on logistic conception which was discovered by
P.F.Verhulst in 1838.

1. Biological evolution

The term evolution introduced to biology Charles de Bonnet, Swiss naturalist from XVIII c. A biological evolution we call process of transformations of organisms within many generations, both with reference to transformations of their construction as and functions. It leads from more simple forms to more complex and developed. Eleven billions years took evolution to reach biological phase, but only three to reach first primitive organisms, and only several hundred millions to reach high developed and later intelligent animals. It is rather sure that it is not only perspective delusion arising because of passing of time - like optical delusion when we see close objects more precisely than far. I think that this development can be described the best by so called Logistic development.


diagram 1. Logistic development

In 1972 J.S.Gould and N.Eldredge proposed new conception of evolution - arising of specieses called Punctuationalism. In this theory speciation, takes place very quickly in not large populations. Can last hundreds of years, what in scales of the geologic time counted in millions and hundreds of millions of years, has a punctual character. Sigmoid development describes exactly this conception, though hitherto was not at all considered its use in this intent.
In mathematics logistic development coupled is with Normal distribution model. Turns out that also this model, which founds some applications in different disciplines, has important meaning for biology. Simple plants and gymnosperms include above 150 thousands specieses, angiosperms above 250 t. specieses, fungi 1,5 mln, insects about 1 mln, primitive animals tens thousands, fishes 24,5 t., reptiles 13 t., birds 9350, mammals 4630. Moreover the same conception describes evolution on higher levels, Mega - whole biological evolution and Giga - three phases of gigaevolution - see diag 2. Gradual changes on these levels can - in a greater temporal scale - show differentiation. In reference to biological megaevolution logistic theory clearly illustrates and can explain so called "Cambrian explosion" (590-545 millions of years). It shows that development after achievement of certain critical level suddenly accelerates - see end of text - mechanism of evolutional processes.

2. Gigaevolution


diagrams 2. Gigaevolution

Quick biological phase was preceded by relatively stable astrophysicochemical phase. Attainment of relatively stable civilizational - psychosociocultural phase it takes hundreds years. Cosmological megaevolution was leading from primordial explosion - nb. logistic development is its perfect model to arising of matter. Physical from fundamental particles and interactions to atoms and chemical elements. Chemical from inorganic to organic compounds. Biological from simple cells to intelligent hominids.
Civilizational megaevolution is leading from simple backward culture to complex cosmical culture. It consists of three main subprocesses connected with three types of civilization, dependently from their cosmic range:
- Type I, planetary, is connected with transition inside simple backward culture, about 10000 BC
- Type II, civilization which is entering in interplanetary space, is connected with transition from simple backward culture to complex scientific culture, present and future time
- Type III, which is entering in interstellar space, far future

Processes of gigaevolution and biological megaevolution possess common turning point, it was appearance of fish-amphibia similar to genus Ichthyostega (370 millions of years). According to mechanism of evolutional processes (see p.3) a limiting factor designating this turning point and developmental limits was environment - properties of environment. It designates framework both for mega as well as giga evolution.


diagram 3. Genus being turning point of whole gigaevolution.

Conception of microevolution of Gould-Eldredge can get confirmation from the point of view of my theory of biomegaevolution, considering that evidences confirming its rightness seem to be more convincing than evidences in interest of Punctuationalism. Hitherto conception of Gould-Eldredge was treated harshly. There is not its in basic manuals from a scope of biology.
Logistic development can explain also a difference between a qualitative change and quantitative change. It shows that each kind of so called qualitative change, like for example liquefaction of gas, is just some form of quantitative change. Marxists are using conception of change where quantitative changes transform to qualitative change. But this idea is containing fundamental mistake that there is a difference between qualitative and quantitative change. One from subprocesses of sociomegaevolution we can see below. Primordial phase of development of civilization was backward, at present we are during transfer into scientific phase.


diagram 4. Social development. You can also put a backward culture at the bottom of the curve and a technical culture at the top of the curve.


Mechanism of described mega and giga evolutional processes is based on three rules:
(1) First predicates that no development cannot last endlessly.
(2) Second that unopposed development has autogenous tendency to self accelerating in compliance with simple rule of duplication or multiplication quantity of evolutional improvements - a model of this process can be sequence of numbers ...0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8.... Simple organisms possess small quantity of adaptive and constructional solutions, multiplication their quantity does not bring through longer time greater results. Only after achievement of certain level of complication their multiplication effects with impetuous development. Similarily as duplication of small values does not bring through longer time greater effects, only after achievement of certain level appears impetuous increase.
(3) Third predicates that when self accelerating evolution meets limiting factors then begins more and more quickly slowdown, in compliance with simple rule of partition - which a model can be sequence of numbers ...8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25.... Complex organisms possess huge quantity of adaptive and constructional solutions, and after achievement of certain level of complication further impetuous increasing of number of complications becomes impossible. They meet limiting factors, which more and more diminish quantity of evolutional improvements. Similarily as first partition of great values brings visible results, later partition of small values does not bring greater effects.

Gregory Podgorniak, Poland, year 2008

about the author, My name is Gregory Podgorniak (brn. 01.1977, Szczecinek, West Pomerania, Poland). I am working on field of natural as well as social sciences. During philosophical studies at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (1996-1999) I was actively act in student scientific organisation, got a scientific scholarship, and one from my articles titled Circulus vitiosus and fourfold petitio principii in the system of Descartes was published in Humanistic Drafts of Publishing House of Humaniora Foundation in Poznan, no. 6, 1998. Unfortunately certain fate events made impossible to me continuing studies to master's and later doctor's degree. Thence I was forced to be content only with a title of bachelor.
Thanks to deep and penetrating researchings I was able to establish indisputably some number of my past incarnations reaching of ancient period, these data are certain, these incarnations are: Auguste Comte (1798-1857) French philosopher and sociologist, Edme Mariotte (1620-1684) French physicist and meteorologist, Bodhidharma (5th or 6th century) buddhist patriarch, Aenesidemus (1 st century BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Arcesilaus (315-241 BC) Greek sceptical philosopher, Gorgias (485-380 BC) Greek sophist.

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Reply Fri 17 Nov, 2023 04:19 pm
It can be assume that extinction events are connected clearly with logistic development. Each such event can mean a jump on higher level of evolution. For example last Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event of reptilia tied in with transition on higher level of evolutional development and with a capture of environment by mammalia.
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2023 12:54 am
This mess is a thousand times more complicated than the actual theory of evolution. Here is the actual theory:

1. Those members of a species best suited to survive will have the most probability of surviving so that in large populations over large amounts of time, their traits will replace inferior traits in the gene pool.
2. Now and then a new trait (mutation) is introduced by a reproductive error.

That's it. Everything else is a consequence as populations of a species slowly drift towards more and more successful adaptation to their environments.
Reply Sat 18 Nov, 2023 08:16 am
We all agree on this (points 1,2), but this is not what the article is about.
The problem is that the current theory of evolution is gradualistic and its graph may be an ascending straight line. I proposed a logistic model where a sigmoid curve is applicable at all levels of evolution.
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2023 03:37 am
Unnecessary. What I wrote explains everything about evolution. There is no problem. The rest is just some kind of taxonomy of the species.
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2023 09:29 am
The argument you presented (points 1.2) does not explain everything. First of all, it concerns the mechanism of microevolution, not megaevolution (macroevolution) and gigaevolution. Secondly, there were discrepancies as to the microevolution mechanism. A different model than the classic was proposed by Gould and Eldredge, where a new species arise only in a few centuries. My concept perfectly describes Gould-Eldredge's concept and can be its confirmation.
Reply Sun 19 Nov, 2023 10:15 pm
Wrong. Although you haven't explained what any of your terms mean, I know the nonsense you're spinning.

There is only one kind of evolution in existence - slow, small, gradual. However, over immense lengths of time, tiny changes add up to big changes. Then millions of years later, scientists come in and say, "Up to this date, we'll call it species X and after that date we'll call it species Y."
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2023 05:55 am
Brandom9000 - "There is only one kind of evolution in existence - slow, small, gradual."

The concept of punctuated equilibrium proposed in 1972 by paleontologists Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould denies this. In their concept, a new species arises suddenly, over the course of several centuries.
Reply Mon 20 Nov, 2023 09:07 pm
Nonsense. You're taking something very simple and well understood all over the world for centuries and making it complicated and wrong.

Evolution produces small, slow changes. The 2 mechanisms I listed, natural selection and mutation, cannot do otherwise. Over immense amounts of time they add up, and species changes are just labels biologists or zoologists add now.

This explains the totality of evolution.
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Reply Sun 17 Dec, 2023 03:02 am
It can be assume that extinction events are connected clearly with logistic development. Each such event can mean a jump on higher level of evolution. For example last Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event of reptilia tied in with transition on higher level of evolutional development and with a capture of environment by mammalia.
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Reply Thu 8 Feb, 2024 07:18 am
What I would like to emphasize is each so called qualitative change, for example the transition of water into ice, or steam into water, is actually a cumulative quantitative change; that is, a quantitative change taking place quickly over a short period of time. So there are no qualitative changes, only quantitative ones.
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The Anointed
Reply Thu 15 Feb, 2024 09:27 pm
The evolving godhead in the spiritual dimension of the Most-High earthly species on the ladder of evolution, before Mankind, which godhead was evolving from the information gathered by his earthly body, which species had ruled the earth for some 140 million Years, and which species became extinct around 66 million years ago, was the evolving mind/spirit of the great upright walking reptile, whose earthly body was later cursed and made to crawl on its belly in the dust of the earth.

No species can exist for that length of time, without achieving a high degree of intelligence. Step into a fire, remember the pain and you will never repeat that mistake, it is through Pain and suffering that intelligence begins. We learn through the pain and sufferings that we endure, which pain and suffering is caused by the sins and mistakes that we make in Life. Spare the rod says the Lord, and you will spoil the child.

The extinction of the reptilian dinosaurs some 66 million years ago, was a blessing to mankind, as they would have been the greatest threat to the continued evolution of mankind from our ancestors ‘The Mammals,’ of which our oldest known primate-like mammal ancestors, were the Plesiadapis, which came from North America; or the Archicebus, which came from China, or any of the other similar basal primates, which were widespread in Eurasia and Africa during the tropical conditions of the Paleocene and Eocene geological Epochs. And the evolutionary history of those primates can be traced back 65 million years, shortly after the time when the dinosaurs became extinct.

Dinosaurs were 'already doomed' before getting smashed by asteroid
when a massive asteroid hit the Earth 66 million years ago, the dinosaurs it killed were already on their way out, according to a new study.

Volcanic winters brought on by huge volcanic eruptions played a significant role in the extinction of dinosaurs before the asteroid struck, researchers believe.

The huge space rock credited with wiping out the dinosaurs that crashed in what is now the Gulf of Mexico is thought to have been between six and ten miles wide, travelling at around 20 kilometres a second.

The collision caused massive devastation, blasting a crater more than a hundred miles wide with sides taller than the Himalayas.
Dust and debris blasted into the air by the impact is thought to have played a major role in ending the reign of the dinosaurs, blocking sunlight and stopping plants from growing and leading to wide starvation.

But the latest research shows that massive eruptions 200,000 years before that could have caused a volcanic ‘winter’ with plunging temperatures that would have severely weakened the dinosaurs’ grip.

The study, published in the journal Science Advances, set out to estimate how much sulphur and fluorine was injected into the atmosphere due to the eruptions.

The researchers – from the US, UK, Sweden, Italy, Norway and Canada – remarkably discovered that the sulphur release could have triggered a drop in temperature around the world in a phenomenon known as a ‘volcanic winter’.

Don Baker, a professor in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Canada’s McGill University, said this would have likely ‘set the stage’ for the eventual extinction event of the devastating asteroid that wiped them off the planet.
The new research suggests that the asteroid impact, which also triggered a mega-earthquake that lasted as long as months, was just one part in the story of the dinosaurs’ extinction.

Searching for missing pieces to the puzzle, the study team delved into the historic volcanic eruptions of the Deccan Traps – a vast and rugged plateau in Western India formed by molten lava.

The researchers found that the Traps erupted an astonishing one million cubic kilometres of rock, which may have played a key role in cooling the global climate around 65 million years ago.

‘Our research demonstrates that climatic conditions were almost certainly unstable, with repeated volcanic winters that could have lasted decades prior to the extinction of the dinosaurs,’ study co-author Professor Baker explained.

‘This instability would have made life difficult for all plants and animals and set the stage for the dinosaur extinction event.

‘This scientific work helps to explain this significant extinction event that led to the rise of mammals and the evolution of our species.’
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Reply Fri 22 Mar, 2024 02:14 am
To what extent was the evolution process controlled? God the Father certainly participated in the process of evolution, gave it direction and made decisive moves at breakthrough moments in evolution. God the Father covers the entire cosmos. He creates life itself, the miracle of life, and he also created it on Earth, just as he initiated the process of creating intelligent forms. As for the breakthrough moments of evolution, in the key period of the evolution of reptiles, a large meteorite hit the Earth to lead to their extinction and to set evolution on new tracks, namely the tracks of mammalian evolution.
At some stage, the Son of the Father also participated in the process of evolution, which includes the planetary system, primarily the Earth and the Sun. Before the Son evolved into a human form, the Father was already at work, controlling the emergence of an intelligent species. In addition to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the spiritual sphere also participates in the evolution process, because individual spirits of various forms, rocks, plants, animals, people gradually evolve, which may influence the direction of genetic mutations in newly born forms in the sphere of hard, atomic matter.
Therefore, the correct concept of evolution should be a combination of the creationist concept with the classical theory of evolution, and should also take into account the evolution of the spiritual sphere.

(year 2024)
The Anointed
Reply Fri 22 Mar, 2024 06:17 am
At some stage, the Son of the Father also participated in the process of evolution,

The son of the father is the 'Son of Man' and just as mankind developed within the bodies of our animal ancestors, so too, 'The Son of Man is still currently evolving within the body of mankind.

Reply Sun 24 Mar, 2024 03:58 am
@The Anointed,
The Son of Man is still currently evolving within the body of mankind

However, the Son of the Father can take the form of an individual man, as was the case with Christ. We can expect another incarnation of the being of the Son who became incarnate as Christ, in the future or perhaps even in the present. I refer to the concept of Vishnu, with his avatars, i.e. subsequent incarnations.
In the cosmic structures considered, the Son covers the planetary system and the Father covers the entire cosmos. This shows that the Father has many such Sons.
The Anointed
Reply Sun 24 Mar, 2024 05:49 pm
However, the Son of the Father can take the form of an individual man, as was the case with Christ.

By ‘CHRIST’ I assume you mean ‘’THE ANOINTED ONE’’ who was taken up at the age of 365 and anointed as the heir and successor to the throne of the MOST-HIGH in the creation.----- Christ is the English term for the Greek Χριστός (Khristós) meaning "the anointed one" It is a translation of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ (Māšîaḥ), usually transliterated into English as Messiah or Mashiach. The Hebrew word translated "anointed" is the verb form of the noun "Messiah."

We can expect another incarnation of the being of the Son who became incarnate as Christ, in the future or perhaps even in the present.

We certainly can, and that would be Elijah, who, like Enoch, who had been in the valley of Man [The spiritual dimension that co-exists within our Three Dimensional world] for three days or three thousand years before being reborn on earth, is soon to appear before the great and terrible day of the Lord.
Malachi 4, 5-6; But before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes, I will send you the prophet Elijah. 6He will bring fathers and children together again; otherwise I would have to come and destroy your country.”

Sandalphron and Metatron are post human angels, Metatron is the name that was given to Enoch after he had been translated from a body of corruptible matter into a glorious body of incorruptible light, and Sandalphron, who is erroneously thought by some to be Metatron’s twin, is in fact Elijah’s angelic name after he was carried up to stand beside Enoch and was also transfigured.

I refer to the concept of Vishnu, with his avatars, i.e. subsequent incarnations.

Krishna, being the eighth and final manifestation of Vishnu the saviour who enters into Brahman as the Supreme Personality of Godhead to have developed within that universal cycle.

In the cosmic structures considered, the Son covers the planetary system and the Father covers the entire cosmos. This shows that the Father has many such Sons.

Brahman, the essential divine reality of the universe the eternal spirit from who all being originates and to whom all being must return at the close of each universal cycle.

“Universe after universe is like an interminable succession of wheels forever coming into view, forever rolling onwards, disappearing and reappearing; forever passing from being to non-being, and again from non-being to being. In short, the constant revolving of the wheel of life in one eternal cycle, according to fixed and immutable laws, is perhaps after all, the sum and substance of the philosophy of Buddhism. And this eternal wheel has so to speak, ‘SIX’ spokes representing ‘SIX’ forms of existence.” ---- Mon. Williams, Buddhism, pp. 229, 122.

Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2024 03:47 am
@The Anointed,
My appreciation to you Anointed
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Reply Tue 9 Apr, 2024 12:48 am
Logistic theory also works in the field of social theory, more about this in my other thread on this forum.
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Reply Tue 23 Apr, 2024 03:19 pm
Mutations and natural selection are most likely to kill off entire species when adequate for change, design is needed most.
Reply Mon 6 May, 2024 11:19 pm
Mutations and natural selection are most likely to kill off entire species when adequate for change, design is needed most.

It is possible.
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