Wed 20 Sep, 2023 05:10 pm
I have been homeless the entire year. It started when I got kicked out of a homeless hostel because I had an argument with someone can't remeber what over. Basically she called the police lied and said I threatened to kill and rape her and now I am permanently banned. I have been living in a hotel the whole year because I have a job but cant hold down an address. It is costing me £1100 a month. Can't be bothered to explain how hard it is but my only idea is to try and split the rent with a friend if he ges the flat in his name but feel it's going to fall through. Local council wont help me because they "deem me a risk to others". Help on this issue please.
Can you go on some website that's looking for a flat mate? Or someone who needs a little help and cheaper rent in exchange for a place to stay? There are options out there if you're willing to think outside the box. Could you go to a church to ask for assistance? Or other local charities (not council, of course)?
Well all I can think of right now is airnb for a shared house accomodation to lower the cost a bit but it is still so expensive. I really just hope this flat comes through with my friend. Couldn't imagine paying rent and bond down with a complete stranger.