How do you mean, pessimistic?
Rick d'Israeli wrote:How do you mean, pessimistic?
Nope, also not optimistic. Wait and see, that's the device.
I didn't say you were wrong :wink:
Here in Australia we don't fight anybody. Unless of course the U.S. tells us to. Or the U.K. Hey, maybe New Zealand, envious of our vast stretches of useless red desert, will decide to invade and then we'll actually have a fight of our own!
I appreciate being invited to tell you a little about myself.
I enjoy the exchange of opinions on a number of topics. I am retired and I am now able to explore many things that I simply never had time for in life as well as during my formal education where I was a finance major. Sometimes I nearly pinch myself realizing just how wonderful the Internet is, all the new possibilities, all the new doors it has opened for further enlightenment for everyone. To think these luxuries were unthinkable only a few years ago!
I am looking forward to reading your posts and learning a few things here. I hope you will enjoy the posts I have to offer.
Thank you,
Jack Webb
From what I've seen so far of your posts, Jack Webb, I figure you'll fit right in here, as long as you don't let the loonies get ya down. Be especially wary of wabbits. Enjoy, and welcome. Just holler out if you have any questions about how stuff works around here.
ossobuco wrote:Welcome to a2k, murat. What part of Turkey do you live in?
elfself wrote:Welcome lavinya, I like your photo. I like X-Files

thanks ossobuco . my city of giresun/şebinkarahisar
elfself thank you.
Is this your city lavinya? Do have to say it looks beautiful (beautifully located near the Black Sea).
jack webb : welcome to able2know ! if we keep this up we'll soon be able to form a retirement community here. i wonder if anyone started a topic on retirement yet (i'll have to check this out). hbg
Rick d'Israeli thanks

yeah it's my city .it's very good city. where did you find this photo ?
Just went to, pictures, and typed 'giresun'

Fairly easy. is the best invention since the wheel I tell ya!
I like Giresun's name coming from Cerasus - the place of cherries- yummy.
I searched for riddles on google.
Spent the better part of a day on this site!