So, I'm supposed to introduce myself
21-year-old college student in Indiana, U.S.A. I'm traveling to Spain in the summer of 2004 and found this site while doing a search for info about Spain. (Does the rain really fall mainly in the plain...and other essential questions.) Thanks for the warm welcome!
Ruby, I got a question for ya.
Where does the term "hoosier" come from and what does it mean?
Re: Where does the term 'Hoosier' come from?
I should know, being a native "Hoosier"...but alas, I could only come up with fragmented theories I've heard throughout the years. So, I went to Ask's what I found. Consider yourself enlightened.
The people of Indiana have been called Hoosiers for over 150 years. Although it is one of the oldest and most widely accepted state nicknames, its history is very unclear.
The word "Hoosier" came into use in the 1830s. Among the most popular theories of its origin are:
- When a visitor came to a pioneer cabin in Indiana, the settler would ask "Who's yere?" From this frequent response, Indiana became the "Who's yere" or Hoosier state.
- Indiana rivermen were well known for their ability to "hushing" their adversaries in the brawling that they became known as "hushers," which eventually evolved into Hoosier.
- A man named Hoosier was a contractor on the Louisville and Portland Canals who preferred to hire laborers from Indiana. His workers were called "Hoosier's Men" and eventually all citizens of Indiana adopted the name.
- There is a Native American word "hoosa" which means corn. Indiana flatboatmen taking corn or maize to New Orleans were known as "hoosa men," or Hoosiers.
Here's the source of the info inclusion of "who's your daddy"?
No, but I have seen many Indiana University fans wearing shirts that say "Hoosier Daddy"...
OK-I consider myself enlightened. Now it's your turn.
La lluvia no siempre cae por el plano. Ay veces cuando cae por las ciudades y las granjas.
Haha...muchas gracias, Panzade!
Hi everyone! meh name is Tia.... and I am ready to learn....and argue.... and laugh... and just be a general all-around annoying person! ;D lol i'm jsut kidding.
...or am I?
Welcome Tiaha!
scary laugh- 10! ********
thank yo, thank yo verry much
New Member
Hi Everyone,
All my friends call me Sam, so feel free to do so too. I live in NW Wisconsin with my partner Billie, six cats and three dogs.
The cats, Stasha, Snooz, Edmund, Parker, Jane and Rumpelteaser II, are all neutered and stay indoors. They are all sired by Rumpelteaser I. He passed on six years ago and having them is a great comfort.
The dogs, Inyan, Witko and Yamni, are all shelter-dogs. Inyan is a litter registered Alaskan Sled Dog. He is serious and protective of everyone.
Witko is Husky with a bit of Coyote. He is the family clown. Then there is Yamni, our newest. He was picked up as a stray and spent eight months ar our local Humane Society Shelter.
Thats my family and I love them all. I look forward to getting to know you, making new friends and asking for help.
All my best to you and yours
Hi Sam, thanks for a comprehensive rundown of your extensive family! Rumpelteaser 1 was a prolific sire. All the best from Hong Kong to Wisconsin.
A visiting fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge, Dr. Yayati Madan G. Gandhi is an outstanding educationist, litterateur and publicist who has been in the vanguard of many movements for sustainable environment, total disarmament, human rights and one-world mankind. He has made an outstanding contribution in the field of teaching and research in political theory, third world studies and international politics. He has been a member of Indian Council of Philosophical Research and Indian Council of Social Science Research - apex bodies in philosophy and social sciences.
A winner of Tagore Award in poetry in 1961, Dr. Gandhi is the Founder-President of the Poetry Society of India and authored eleven volumes of poetry entitled Ashes and Embers, Kundalini, Luteous Serpent, Petals of Flame, Freak Stair, Meandering Maze, Ring of Silence, Shunyata in Trance, Haikus and Quatrains, Enchanting Flute, and The Imperiled Earth. On his Poetry, one Ph.D. Thesis 'EWAFE' Motif in Madan G. Gandhi's Poetry' has been awarded Doctorate.
Dr. Madan Gandhi is recipient of numerous awards and honours and his biography finds a place in many International Who's Who(s) and directories of world leadership. Honoured with Aryabhat and Varamihira Awards Professor Madan Gandhi is an authority on Yoga, Tantra and predictive sciences. As an artist he has received international acclaim.
Born on 31st August 1940 in Lahore, Dr. Gandhi did his doctorate in political science. He was the founder-director of CENTRE FOR THIRLD WORLD STUDIES AND RESEARCH, Mahrishi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India.
At present Dr. Yayati Madan G. Gandhi is Editor, Collected Works of Lala Lajpat Rai -- a research project under Servants of the People Society.
While searching the search engine about anti-war sites I found it after my heart. Hence I feel honoured to join the fraternity.
Welcome to A2K Dr. Gandhi. With your eclectic range of interests you should find much to enjoy in this forum.
Hi all
Displaced librarian here, yearning to be a font of all knowledge...or some of it anyway. Apologies if I make any mistakes as I'm a bit of a newbie all round when it comes to online communities... just hope this post ends up in the right place :wink:
Signiture pending..... mtfcfan1
I'm a friend to librarians, my Mom's one (well, she's retired, but once a librarian, always a librarian).
Welcome to Able2know!
Hello everybody. I am from sunny England, and am currently a student (not for much longer I hope).
This looks like a really good forum, and I can't wait to read a few more threads and get a feel of the place. I even hope to join in