Woohoo. Finally. Someone considers me an expert!
I'm so abashed . . .
I would never take advantage of a newly hatched member's incautious musings . . .
Cinnesthesia, is that avatar of your own creation, or is it from the gallery? I ask because i recognize it, the painting from which it is taken. Is that Luis Royo? At any event . . . cinnesthesia . . . does that mean you cinnamon thinks its nutmeg, and your mace thinks its either ginger or a flail . . . just wonderin' . . .
That, Setanta , is because you're part of a vanishing breed...
A well bred young lady
Exception, i promise not to take you to anything . . .
Ain't all that sure Set's all that well-bred a lady, there, panzade ... ain't real sure of any of that, having had occasion to sup and chat with Set ... nope, I just can't buy a bit of that assessment. Mebbe that's just me though.
According to Set you were a real gentleman...
Until you grabbed her...bras-de-chamise...
Damn ... that dalliance was supposed to be just between the two of us. Well, there goes what respect I had for the tart.
In in the immortal words of Mr. Fields:
[nasal Philly accent]"Back to the Reform School, you little nose-pickers ! ! !"[/nasal Philly accent]
I gotta picture 'round here somewhere with both you and me in it, Set ... you want I should drag it out and see if panzade can figure out who's what?
Set, I love it when you do Fields...
You may frighten Pan right out of near enthusiasm . . .
And we wuz all still pretty much sober when that was took, too, as I recall.
Three more hitherto unmentioned AckAck'ers in that pic, too . . . any guesses?
Hang on there, obstreperous little owl, give the new kid a chance.
Somebody's face is blacked out...hmmm...
It's almost as if she was afraid she'd be recognized
partaking with this motley crew.
The disguised one is not an A2Ker, panzade ... so that's a blind alley. Keep lookin'.
Timber, you look just like I imagined...but the others...I haven't been an acker long enough to get a feel...
hi there,
new newbie here!
have any questions, just ask
Hey Chizzie,
Hi and welcome from an ol' newbie. I'd like to know how you got your handle.