Accept No Substitues!
Tis me alright. Accept no substitutes.
Good to see you! Good to everyone again, both new and familiar people!
Email me through here, if you wish!
as always,
Art Unbound, I am delighted to see you, welcome!
Quote:Esme is short for Esmeralda, right? I remember a witch called Esmeralda in a story-book when I was a kid. I loved her name!
sorry, must have missed that,
yep, its me, good old Esme, short for Esmeralda W..... er...nevermind. we don´t want to reveal too much of my dark pagan past, won´t we?....headology, my dearest!
Esme, Esme, Esme, Esme...... trying to memorize your unusual name. Esme, Esme, Esme, WELCOME to A2K, Esme.

aha! I've just found this thread. Welcome to all. Fatima (I've already welcomed Fatima, but am doing so again), Art (so good to see you Art, glad you're here), Dek and Esme. This is a fun place.
Verwelkomen, Art (althought I think, I've greeted you here months ago already)!
Hi all,
I've been lurking for a long time, first Abuzzedly, then around here (here is nice!) so I feel like I know a lot of you. Never posted, tho...
So Hello. I'm all registered and logged in now, so I'll be able to speak up and talk with you-all!
looking forward,
Welcome aboard Wy - you will find A2K to be much more civil that your forays through Abuzz - have a good time and looking forward to running into you!
T'anks, BillW... I haven't been here long but I must leave for a while... I'll see yez when I get back!
Wy, We'll wait for your return. WELCOME to A2K. c.i.
Do you have any initiation rites? Cause I loves me a good initiation!
<thwack!> Thank you sir, may I have another!
Welcome aboard Case, have fun on A2K!
Say, Bill, how do you post stuff like that? Or any other graphic, for that matter. Please advise. Thanks!
Hi Case! Here, let me short-sheet your bed.
D'Art - go to the Internet and find a url for the pic you want to post (right-click on the photo you want to post). Now, in the thread you want, hit reply and click on the IMG button. Paste the url of the pic in the appropriate spot and click Submit.
Note - not every site allows hotlinking, and private MSN sites also will not work.
But, public MSN sites work (use the thumbnails in the photo albums; they work better), CNN works, most other news sites work, etc.
Geocities, Snapfish and Webshots don't work.
Thanks, Jespah, I'll give that a try the next time I find something I want to share...
Wy, welcome. Always glad to meed a fellow abuzzard. Look forward to seeing you around.
Welcome Case. Sit right there, I'll go get my whip. Always happy to oblige. I hope you enjoy the site.
Welcome, welcome to Artunboung, Esme, Fatima, Dek, Wy and Case. I've been very remiss about coming round and I've obviously missed some lovely new members.
One of a2k's biggest advantages is its international flavor. We have people from all over Europe, the US, Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, Israel, Sweden and the Philipines--and I'm sure I've missed a few countries.
Hi Esme, Wy and Case
Thanks for the welcome BillW, Lola and Dianne
I'm starting to get settled in!
hello, everybody, I am newbie here, nice to meet you all
Hello, newbie Thurman, WELCOME to A2K.
