Welcome aboard, Zayrina. I think you'll find we're pretty laid back here. There are moderators but nobody will call you on the carpet for saying something controversial, as long you're not deliberately insulting to other members. Even then, usually somebody would have to comlain before the mods took any action.
If you've been lurking, you'll have an idea about what works on A2K and what doesn't. Enjoy!
Hey! I havent been welcomed yet! *awaits great emotional out-pouring...*
The Red Carpet is just back from the cleaner and is unrolling at your feet.
Welcome Zaryna and Quincy
Why thank-you Noddy & Montana!
I just had to add to the number of smilies on this page...
I've been lax for a long time, and wish to welcome all the Newbies to a2k. FYI, many of us Oldies (and I'm very old), have participated on these threads for many years, and many of us go back to Abuzz days of yore.
What's nice about a2k are many, but one special one is our a2k gatherings all over the US and in Europe. As a matter of fact, I'm now in Chicago for the a2k gathering here, and tonite will be my last night; we're going to Second City to listen to some comedy about Barak Obama. I'm flying home tomorrow to San Jose, CA. It's been so much fun here, I hate to leave this "place" even with the increment weather - mostly rain.
Stick around and enjoy - and one of these days, plan to join in one or a few of our gatherings. I think this is my 8th.
Hi. I've been lurking for awhile.
This is my first post.
My name is Callie.
Tuscany is a place I'd like to visit one day.
Welcome Tuscany, I enjoyed your first few postings. Well done.
Dutchy wrote:Welcome Tuscany, I enjoyed your first few postings. Well done.
Thank you, Dutchy.
Sorry for the late reply.
I only just saw this.
Hi Everyone! I'm new to the community

I live in DC, work in marketing, and spend lots of time internet browsing! I first began searching this forum to look for information on a trip I'm planning for next spring and found lots of other useful information at the same time!
Hi, YellowRosebud! Welcome to the asylum. Just stay away from Panzade and you'll be okay.

Oh...and don't feed the pirrhanas.
Merry Andrew wrote:Hi, YellowRosebud! Welcome to the asylum. Just stay away from Panzade and you'll be okay.

Oh...and don't feed the pirrhanas.
Haha, thanks! I'll try to stay away from the pirrhanas
Welcome to all the Newbies to a2k. FYI, a2k is more than just the internet forums we find here. A2Kers have had many person-to-person gatherings across the US and in Europe.
Try to attend one, and you'll be hooked to a2k for life; that's a promise.
We had several this summer in Chicago, Boston and New York. We are now in the planning stages for one in late August for San Francisco, our second.
Everybody is welcome.
Hello, I'm new here.
Still finding my way around here.
Looks like a nice place.