Hi, this is my first time ever on a forum or any kind of chat I guess you call it. I spell bad and type slow
Hola Amigo.Welcome to our world. Relax. Seed will show you around.
Amigo wrote:Hi, this is my first time ever on a forum or any kind of chat I guess you call it. I spell bad and type slow
Welcome, amigo! Now you have to spell slow an type bad!
hello, I am seed. i will be your tour guide this afternoon...
if you look to your left you see the KickyCan and Slappy Doo Hoo. As you look at them, please remember, keep all hands and feet inside the cart, and plese do not feed that posters.
I have no idea what a kickycan is or a slappy doo hoo. Sorry
You'll soon meet them. They're a couple of characters that post here.
hello to all of you but i am with amigo i am not sure i have met either of them, but then again i am not as prominent members as all of you
trust me when you meet them... you will know why we say dont feed them...
i gave kickycan a cookie and now he comes to my door every day at 2 o'clock
some would say no... some would say yes... me i think they are gods
Region Philbis wrote:(maybe he meant 'dogs'?)
Jeepers Mr Wilson! You're funny
Region Philbis wrote:(maybe he meant 'dogs'?)
me and my dislexia... man sorry guys
Welcome, bsingh.
Always great to meet new residents in the asylum.
hellow annnddd howww areee yoouuu tooddaaay? was it dogs? i would realy like to know who/what they are and if they have any relevence to humans
kicky and slappy? are they human?
are they relevant to humans?
that debate has been going on for some years.
ahhhh i am doomed to never get a straight answer from anyone I am going to send out a plea of help to those who are involved (sometimes i get a little conscientious about talking about people and not letting them know)
haha be careful of what you wish for. if you seek them out and find them you could be opening a can of worms that you dont want open