i though someone just said that there was somewhere where you could realy do rap battles
Just popping in to welcome all the newbies since my last visit.

namaste clary how did you know to greet me?
ok go figure i didn't know that how did you like it i'm not from there but i would always like to go.
Clary wrote:used to live in India

I envy you and admire you, Clary...is there anywhere in the world you haven't been before?
Hey guys, newbie, party for one. It seems like a really cool site. Congrats on that. Should be fun
Hi everybody
Uhmm, Well..I'm Adomi, a national of Cameroon,new comer on Able2know ,this is my first post, and I'd like to tell you I'm happy to be here.
Hello, Adomi. Welcome to a2k. I once worked with a lady from Camaroon; we were both lab technologists at a medical laboratory in the Los Angeles area, many years ago.
I hope you check out the different forums in a2k and enjoy reading and posting.
I used to live in India once upon a time too <sigh> Now I am stuck in this cold miserable place...
Welcome all !!
Hi I'm Endymion,
I was asked to post here first - so here I am.
I'm interested in the past, the present and the future.
Hope I'm not the only SF fan here.
Endymion, welcome.
Science fiction...fantasy....horror...intellectual puzzles....space opera....
Make yourself at home.
Hi Adomi and Endymion don't mean to sound "un-worldly" but where is Camaroon? it seems as if you are either located in europe (Italy?) or are orignally from there......but nice to meet you Adomi...how would you pronounce that?....lots of diff. subjects but not too subtle on my point of view on them
pragmatic wrote:Clary wrote:used to live in India

I envy you and admire you, Clary...is there anywhere in the world you haven't been before?
Nothing to admire, pragmatic, I'm just old and have moved around a lot! Actually not that much - 3 yrs in India, 18 in HK, 1 in France and the rest in UK. But it does give me a world view!! :wink:
I'm claypots, and I live in Dallas!
Welcome, claypots. Does your name have a history?
Noddy24 wrote:Welcome, claypots . Does your name have a history?
how do you do claypots

.....if it does let us hear it but if it doesn't then don't worry you'll just be one of the other nobody's around here

...lol j/k (don't mind my sense of humor because i don't have one)
Don't believe that, bsingh! Not sure I understand your signature line, something about love and anger being inseparable...? Oh, and welcome claypots (Calypso T?)
I keep telling people how nice I've found people to be in Albuquerque. Here's another example.
Three days ago I drove to the local Wallgreens drug store. I notice a strange noise in my car during the ride. As I was getting into my car to leave, the store's security guard came outside and advised me that I had a flat tire. It was really flat. The guard changed my tire and refused any pay.
The following day I drove to the Discount Tire store where I bought four tires six months ago. I left the damaged tire and went grocery shopping. Upon my return to the store, they told me the tire was so badly damaged that they replaced it with a new one. I only had to pay $13 for a new warrantee. Now they could have told me I voided the warrantee by driving on the flat tire. But they didn't.
Yesterday, one of my ceiling smoke alarms started screeching randomly. My next door neighbor, Suzie, came over, climbed on my ladder, and changed the battery for me. Peace and quiet again.
Albuquerque people are really kind to women of a certain age.