New member to "Able2 know"
HI to all,
I am currently working as a waterfront liason repersentative (Brif\dging manufacturing workers and engineering when problems occur) for a large shipyard in Virginia.
I have a bride of 36 years

, 1 26 year old daughter (still lives with us who works full time and is working on her teaching degree :wink: ).
Our family is one that holds true to family morals, and as such in the past we have cared for my 90 year old granmother until she pass on, and now we are caring for my wife's 83 year old father who is confine to a hospital bed.
My hobbies are vast, I really enjoy American history (especially Cival war) an enjoy visiting places.
At this time I am trying to win the war of the waist (Using a combination of Southbeach and Adkins) I have lost about 45 pound and kept it off. But still looking to drop about 15 more.
I was raised in eastern NC and now reside in Tidewater Va.