hiya everyone
I'm sculptin' just came here for a translation,but i kinda like the place!
am playing neverending song titles at the mo
nice to meet you guys
Hi, folks, welcome to a2k!
Hello all.
Looks like a superb site!
See you out there!
I am From China with Mandarin and Cantonese being my mother languages.
I'm impressed. Like many of the A2K membership I speak only English.
Greetings, my fellow voyagers on the quest for knowledge. I've been debating online for only a few months, but already I have had to seriously reconsider many of my opinions because the contact with so many other viewpoints has shown me flaws in my philosophy. I've learned a lot and have had my horizens expanded while debating and I hope to continue doing that here. I must admit though, I'm a wee bit of a fundamentalist, but please don't hold that against me. :wink:
Sir Geek--
Welcome. We'll appreciate your vocabulary, sentence structure and open mind.
I found this site in quite a random way. (Long story)
Shamanicfemale --
Long stories are the lifeblood of A2K. Why not open a thread (Spirituality and Religion), for example and talk about it?
Wisdom follows more paths than there are roads to Rome.
For me, My Spirituality is my Religion. ^.^
One day I may spill a long story out or something like that...but I sort of ramble on a lot without meaning to. lol
Welcome all.
Joe(here you go ....)Nation
Hi, my name is Maria and I am a tomb raider fanatic.
How are you all doing?
I'm guessing this is the correct thread for introducing myself to one and all as this is where the link from the email led me.
My name is Beth (not very creative in selecting my user name eh? lol)
I'm the 42 year old parent of a now 15 year old daughter and the wife of a wonderfully caring and patient man whom I married a year ago in March.
My husband and I met online whilst I lived in NY and he in Tx. Now we live in Tx and have been together for 4 years.
My daughter and I deal with our Bipolar Disorder and OCD kind of behaviours. My daughter additionally contends with Irlen's Syndrome (also caled Scotoptic Sensitivity Syndrome) and ADD as well as cutting on herself.
I write poetry and indulge in many different creative endeavours such as crocheting, tatting, knitting, baking (all of which I taught myself). I am a proponent of self-improvement although I fall short of the mark rather often.
Life is more challenging that I'd like it to be, but then again, it's not as bad as it could be.
Perhaps I should have gone with the user name of Vascillator. LOL
Welcome, Maria and BethD!
-sends hugs to Beth- welcome!
Hi, my name is lil' Angel. Guess what I'm PaulaJ's/Turtlette's little daughter, isn't that cool!
How r u?
I'm pretty good, it's nice to meet you ^_^