Hi every one!
I am new to this site but like what I see so far! :wink:
hi..as my unimaginative handle says, i'm a physicist..almost..

..neways, i'm just trying to expand my world view so to speak, plus getting a chance to swap non formula related opinions/comments seems like a good idea....it'll probably take me a little time to figure the ropes, so bear with me..
To all the Newbies, Welcome to a2k.
hey, thanks for the warm greeting, i live in the US. well i hope i enjoy this forum.
Hi everybody, this is seems to be such a cool site - a little bit of everything - I love it!
Welcome to the Just Hatched!
Exactly what drew me to the site, gizemli.
Welcome to all new people!
You guys will not be reluctant to talk to a person from a country China?
But, I really want to know we could do better in the country.
Nice to meet you!
We can learn a lot from China. Welcome to A2k.
Welcome to all the Newbies. chinalee, We used to have several members from China, but I haven't seen them around for many months. I hope they pop back in. We have members from all over the world, so one can get many different perspectives concerning opinions on many topics.
Hello, I am Zog. I normally visit Earth every 200 of your solar cycles for purposes of collection.
However, I am on vacation at the moment and as you were the nearest form of intelligent life within this sector, I am remaining stationary over your equator, in the hope of initiating interaction.
I will spend my time in the "anything unusual about you" topic for now, so that I can meet you gradually, in order to allay your fears.
How is the weather?
Would you like me to change it?
Hi newbies.
Yes, zog ... if you could do something in the way of sunshine over the middle part of the United States, that would be great. Thanks in advance .....
zog, here.
i believe this belongs to you...
Hi ya'll.
Joe(now you are in for it)Nation
Hi Everyone,
Just want to say, this site is probably one of the BEST i've seen since logging on to the net 10 years ago!
I can't remember how i found it a few days ago, but decided to register as its a never ending online knowledge base.
Some of the techy stuff is great....and the folk are very helpful
Hiya everyone! <smorgs waving madly from Manchester>
Hello I am the blueveinedthrobber. I decided to join this forum while I am temporarily laid up and recovering after a bizarre filming accident on the job. This seems like a really nice place and I'm going to enjoy sorting out who's who.
Hi Blueveinedthrobber!
Sorting out, yes.
People here are very diverse, not just the kind "cool" and "not cool".
You are here to stay. Welcome!