haha joe. what do i know most about...
i know mostly about arts on computers, photoshop stuff, illustrator stuff, 3d modeling stuff.
i also know a bit about scripting. but not sure if that'd be any help here.
bilingual fluent in korean. so translations are ok too, haha. anything about korean culture too.
what else what else... ah! i've a real estates sales agent license, so i know a bit about real estates.. mostly about business transfers though.
ah... and i do not have A+ certification but i studied it for fun... i know a bit about computer hardware, but not too much.
i also know alot about home made explosives, but i dont think i should give advice on that, hahaha
i know bits and pieces of human anatomy and biology because i take great interest init along art stuff
im 24 years old, but i never had a decent job although i graduated from a decent art college. one thing i suffer from is not having a job. *shakes fist*.
Hello everyone. I have just joined. I can answer questions to the best of my ability about music composition, killifish, and flower bulbs.
Hello Everybody. I'm new here. I really want to share with all of you what I know. I think we can study more each other through this forum. I wish all the best things will come to all of us .
Wow, bubbleme.... I can't wait to see what you have to say out there on the threads.
Joe (I've got a feeling that Americans are going to need to learn a lot about Korean culture. ) Nation
Hi cathy. Welcome to a2k. Flower bulbs will come in handy in the Spring. and Killfish? what do you know about them?
And good morning luckyboy. What are your interests?
in my time away i would like to say hey and welcome to all those who have come in my absence. have fun and dont step on anyones toes
new member introducing myself
I am new to this forum. Was not searching for a forum but for info on bipolar. Had the thought that the manic/euphoric phase could be in part , and in addition to an adrenalin bath, an endorphin bath, created by the
'operating system' as a survival response (a card played in response) to the prolonged stress and survival threat posed by lengthy depression. Does anyone have any thoughts/information relevant to that idea?
Found this place by accident but liked the look of it as it seems an intelligent place. So I thought I would check it out.
I am 61, female, mostly raw foodist mostly vegan, but make exceptions/am not a 'purist' - mainly seeking diet needed to keep me healthy and active and free of symptoms of degenerative illness. (Actually I love to eat all kine junk - I live in Hawaii btw). Also compassionate but do occasionally with friends (of which I have hardly any) etc indulge in some animal products.
My interests are contemporary literary fiction; poetry; art; photography; clay art; acting; writing; literature; psychology; organic gardening; optimal diet; natural prevention/treatment of degenerative and other disease; the law, such as it is, such as it may be - its theory and practice, past present and future; economics, govt, history, etc. but I am very dissident/revisionist. Interested in power and the ways of power - its profile, psychology, sociology, and past, present and future. etc.
I am interested in the ways of the world and in who and what I and my fellow beings really are as opposed to how they present themselves. Not interested in the lies they tell themselves but in what motivates them and what they hide and why. Love to dialogue on these issues and pick people's brains on all subjects of interest incl areas that are not my strong point like astronomy and mathematics and chaos theory, etc.
Not averse to having my own foibles/blind spots pointed out. But agree with forum moderator that respect is very important and that we should 'argue the issues and not the man/woman.' Personal insights can be very valuable (as, into another's defenses or underlying psychodynamics, motivations, etc.) but should perhaps be given with permission and privately.
So as I said I am a bit of an information hound or junki, esp into that which remains hidden... that which has been deliberately buried or 'spun' ... in part this comes from a sense of social responsibility towards the less powerful and the coming generations. My reasons for wanting to know the truth are in part to be able to take appropriate action to try to secure/preserve/extend freedom and prosperity for the masses of the world (though my first loyalty is to my own country, as it originally was intended to be, not as it presently is which is co-opted/controlled by monied interests). I am basically idealistic and a wanna be reformer who realizes how very difficult it actually is to help on all save the most small and local level of the interpersonal.
My diagnosis btw has been the work of a lifetime, first to evade/avoid/deny and then finally to turn and face. I believe we are all unique and that diagnosis is not definitive but more suggestive. Like ourselves it is always a work in progress... and hard to define in any permanent or complete way.
But I have very very shaky self-esteem, can collapse at the gentlest touch if I am teetering; I have strong elements of avoidant personality disorder, possibly histrionic p.d, strong elements of dependent p.d. I have longstanding depression with hypo-manic episodes, growing more mixed and rapid cycle lately; I am borderline and a major love-o- phobe with also a great fear of being alone - severe approach/avoidance conflict over relationships and intimacy. Like children and animals.
Until very recently all I knew about was the low self-esteem and the depression and the intimacy problems. I have been hiding from my problems and have been confused, often thinking that all that is wrong with me is that I am lazy, morally defective, etc. (I have a very spotty work history, have mostly been on some kind of at least partial assistance. But I have two grown sons who seem to be doing well in life and of whom I am very proud and admiring).
I left a verbally/emotionally abusive relationship with a very bright and accomplished man a little over a year ago, came back to Hawaii (though I am from Washington State, I have lived on the Big Isand and Oahu), lived homeless mostly camping on the beaches of Oahu for 9 months, finally got on subsidized housing (a rented room in a 'crazy house'), and have a job as a tutor at a local middle school (I have two bachelor's degrees) - but I find the working with kids with behavior problems very very stressful and am hoping to find work as a GED instructor for summer and the next year.
I have applied for SSI but am expecting to be turned down. Because I have no major substance abuse issues, no major history of problems with the law, no explosive temper problems, no hallucinations, they see me as not eligible. I think my history of major depression, my low ability to tolerate stress and inability to work more than half-time and my general fragility and instability make me eligible. Also my age (61) is factor.
This past time of my life, with the abuse (damaged self-esteem still further) and leaving and being homeless, has been the most stressful time of my adult life.
As I detail all this I am thinking I am being so confessional for an intro and also feeling that I must be a prize basket case. I guess I will send it anyway as basically there is the anonymity of the internet that protects us and makes this kind of introductory frankness possible.
I am recently married. Avaid animal lover & organic farmer. New to the organic's. Only have one season in. Husband is a Master Gardner. So I am learning from him. I found this site by looking up garden site's. Am looking forward to meeting some new people. Mrs L.D.
Welcome jubjub. I hope you get around the site. I think you'll fit right in around here. But watch out for politics.
And Mrs. LD. Welcome to you too. I understand there's a great gardening category here, but I haven't tried it. Still, I hear it's very good. But get around to all the threads you think will be of interest to you.
Sorry no one has been here sooner to welcome you both. We've had a sad loss of one of our loved participants and I think everyone is stunned and grieving. But we welcome you anyway. It may help you to know that the site isn't as active on many threads as it usually is. But we'll soon be back up and running at our usual pace.
Hello, my mane is Tino (I'm a man) interested in psychology, music, playstation and my partner! :wink:
Hello Tino...am I the only other person in the whole world that recognises your signature as a TRex song?
...lucky partner!
Oh nooo! And I thought I was the first one to think of it. Hey ho!
was invited here to say hello--I am here to try to get someone to help me get rid of some very irritating spyware-in the simplist computer terms possible--I do have a new computer but that does not mean that I understand anything about it--thanks in advance for your kindness and consideration with my questions--be gentle
luckynunn, welcome to A2k!
u can post over here in the Computer forum
someone will eventually be along to give u a hand...
Hi everyone, I just joined. I am thoroughly impressed by your forums and am glad that I came across it. Everything intellectual can be found here. Great forums!
I am pragmatic - the reason I was able to find this forum was because I am currently researching topics regarding China - anything re China eg: Tibet, Taiwan, HK etc etc. I look forward to talking with you all soon -
I am amazed by your forum! So glad I stumbled across it!
Welcome to all the newbies to A2K.
Would love to hear your take on this riddle,
In 19th century England, many people rolled their own cigarettes. For those without much money, cigarette butts were collected, the tobacco removed, and new cigarettes were made from that tobacco.
Fact: It takes the tobacco from 5 cigarette butts to make one new cigarette.
Question: If a bum finds 25 cigarette butts on the street, how many cigarettes will he eventually be able to roll?