Hello! I am a student in IL, wife to one, mother of two skin kids, and three fur babies.
I came to the boards in search of opinions. I'm sure everyone here has one! Thank you for keeping the site going until I found it!
aww.. "three fur babies" what kind? :]
Welcome to the forum

Opinions rock! ^_^b
Hello All,
I was searching for a Biogrpahy when I came upon a specific thread on this Forum and just spent 3 hours working myself through it. I registered to post on that thread!
Welcome MAI...I'm curious as to which thread it was....
i jumped in the water when i found this site while looking for information on the swiffer mop. i need infor. on the recall. just getting my feet wet
gerri, Just go to <> and type in swiffer mop. YOu should find it. BTW, WELCOME to A2K.
i want remove eZulaHotText
Is there some thing to remove that
spybot dos not work on that link and norton anti virus 2005 all so
what can i do
Oh my gosh what a huge forum. I was asked to say hello here so hello. I mean hello!!!!!!
panzade, I really like your avatar, but I'm willing to let you have an original one from my photo albums. What would you like? If I have it, it's yours. I have plenty of animals from African safaris.
how do you get cat pee out of a purse, very saturated purse?
my cat tends to pee on my things after i return home if i have been gone for more than the day and she peed on my pruse, not leather all over but i tried to clean it with shampoo, i spayed frebreeze, purfume and nothing works HELP ME PLEASE
hello nisel, welcome to A2k.
i believe there are some feline urination threads over in the Pets & Garden forum -->
click here...
good luck!
i'd like to b known as 'Fidel' as a nick. i'm from india, doin my engineering final year, and i luv to talk n talk n talk, mostly irrelevant:O) . in my opinion, forums are quite a revolution in terms of attitude, so here i am, hopin to be welcumed by the veterans in dis forum!!
bless me people!
Okay, fidel, welcome to a2k. I'm not sure how you garnered a Post O, but that's not for me to say.
bless you, fidelitygastro
you bet, Fidel...
(i just felt like saying "fidelitygastro"
