Anyone knows anything about Croatia?
I have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what am I doing here, anyways, I saw a couple of guys insulting my people so i decided to join.
Rose Thorn -- click on Forums, then mosey on over to the International News section and post your views there. This is a bi-i-i-g sandbox for us all to play in.
Greetings all you forum trawlers. Day 1 here at able2know and its looking mighty nice. Mighty nice indeed!
Hi Montana! I cant message yet so I'll have to go off topic for this,but man you got a lot of strawberries!!! Very cool! Is that your real photo?(very pretty) If you live in Canada why do you go by Montana?(just curious)
Hey Carbuncle
Yeah, we like strawberries a lot. Yes, that's my picture and thank you for the compliment. I go by Montana because a woman in a western show I use to watch who was called Montana, reminds me very much of myself.
Hi; o.O;; Carbuncle! Your worst nemesis is here to haunt you! hey neighbor.
Um, hi; referred here by carbuncle. Don't know what else to say.
well then permit me to say welcome to A2k
Dont you threaten me,Miko!! Just so everybody knows,Miko is the reigning RPG Queen. Hey ,you have got to go to the word games threads. I'm doing a "you fill in the next sentence of the story" thread. Just click on my name and it will take you to my last 10 or so posts. Then click on the one that says "the story game". We need your help!
I was referred to here by MikoNoNyte. Um...hi?
Hello and welcome to A2K! :-D
Hi,Tris. Hey, wait a minute! Miko said I was her only friend! I call dibs
thank you all for a very warm welcome. i am happy to have found this site
Hello all from DBro enigma
Looks like an interesting forum. I look forward to sharing each others thoughts cheers DBro

hey, anyone want to drop sum rymes
welcome to A2k, gangsta_313!
check out the rhyme-dropping over here