Welcome pj and barb. I play in a honky tonk band and feel you'll like the way the arts are explored on this site.
Hi, pj and barb. I hope you will be comfortable here. There are a lot of forums. Some of us read the site by clicking on new posts, which brings forth a grand variety.
We are serious and we are playful. There are about fifteen hundred quite active members and thousands more past that, but mostly a few hundred who keep reappearing. It can get lively from time to time.
I've been absent for a couple months, so here's my WELCOME to all the Newbies.
Welcome aboard all newbies :-D
thanks hey

am new here and it looks like I'll be back very often, cause I don't know much about computers
Welcome, snowtiger.
Gotta say that almost all of us are in some stage of learning. The joy of this site (I think) is that I'm forced to learn things all the time to try to keep up. It definitely prevents the brain from getting stale.
hallo, i'm new... i'm writing from Italy, so you will have to pardon me for my English.
Hi. I am coming in here to say hello to you all. I am interested in lots of different things, and see that there are lots of different discussions going on here that I will enjoy.
And thank you Jespah as well. Can I ask what project you are the manager of? Are you involved with A2K at a high level? I am asking because I found that the Privatre Message function says it is shut for legal reasons - I hope it is not serious for the A2K staff and members.
Gustav - Thank you for your welcome also. I hope that you are less scary than your picture seems!
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Dang nab avatarless ingrate!