Please see the actual hall monitors before buying any elevator passes from the likes of Slappy, Bi-polar or Gus.
I, on the other hand, am completrly trustworthy and will give you the deepest discount on AtwoXcess opportunities. Really. Actually. Hey Bro. yam twalking to yu,''''''''
Hey Nation.....I'm working the North end of the cafeteria........
iwan2know, we are not exactly a search engine; we handle a lot of questions though. Some of the questions are sort of off the wall and some are serious inquiries.
Usually someone here will try to answer the serious inquiries seriously, although it may take a little time for someone who can give a good answer to see the question, and we're also pretty good at giving dumbfounding answers to dumbfounding questions. For fun, we sometimes give silly answers to serious questions, and serious ones to dumb questions. This amuses us.
Welcome to A2k!
I have a question: if I am a bi-polar bear sitting on the north pole......
no, wait....
I just like thinking about that.
Not that BiPolarBear and Gus and Slappy aren't. They're all good, they just present different edges of personality, she says very seriously.
Osso- Now you see, there's a decent fellow- I ask a question, I get an answer. I have a problem, and right before I start to shout conspiracy, he comes and explains:
ossobuco wrote:
Usually someone here will try to answer the serious inquiries seriously, although it may take a little time for someone who can give a good answer to see the question, and we're also pretty good at giving dumbfounding answers to dumbfounding questions. For fun, we sometimes give silly answers to serious questions, and serious ones to dumb questions. This amuses us.
has latitude and longitude.
Hi, long time no see...
I'm a femme. bad.
As you'll see on my profile I have the same problem. Is Smartsux a guy's name or something?
PS Osso- I DID figure that thing out eventually...I guess textbooks are helpful after all. Maybe I can change my post and unoffend the "viewers" too.
And why wouldn't the bedarned Hamster let me use Smartsucks anyway?
I was just over in the A2K Physics Department, discussing some theories with several of the more esteemed members.
I am now on my way to the Philosophy Department to expound on my Descartes discussion.
I passed Bear in the hallway and as we were smoking our pipes and speaking of hushed tones about the current state of affairs in A2k he said to me, "We have a new member.Goes by the name of Smartsux. Seems to be a bit of a troublemaker."
So I stopped in here for a bit, just to check out this Smartsux character.
Seems to be harmless.
Would it be suicide to declare myself a Republican on here?
(Hypothetically of course)
Republican are shot on sight.
(non-hypothetically of course)
I'm a staunch Democrat of course.
Welcome, my sensible friend.
Now, Bear, that wasn't so bad.