I am of the opinion that the truth is within us.
I am of the opinion that a science who’s philosophical starting point is that equal but opposites are the same is in error. An example being good is bad and bad is good…..or…..+=- and-=+
This is the starting assumption philosophy that drives the modern day sciences today and this is the reason why it’s theories are failing.
So what is the solution?
Do we adopt a science based upon an opposite philosophy? .i.e. that good is good and bad is bad …….or………+=+ and -=- ?
My view is that I don’t believe that the universe and everything in it is constructed solely upon this logic either.
From my experiences the universe is constructed based upon a combination of all these 4 off logic possibilities so it is my view that we need to look for a science which corresponds with this principle.
The only known science that corresponds fully with this full logic principle is electromagnetic force interactions.
The only way to vibratory balance the above 4 off electromagnetic force interactions in nature is by the combined formula +/-=+/-
This vibratory balanced formula makes sense at the psychological level because it explains consciousness.