Momma Angel wrote:And why is that Chai Tea? Because I find making jokes about God and an individual's personal beliefs inappropriate? Let's see, if you use certain words in regards to a person of a different color or race, you can be sued for it. I thought no one was to be discriminated against because of their race, creed, nationality, or
What makes it ok for some to do it and some not? You have every right to your opinion and I respect that right. I just don't feel ANYONE has the right to be abusive IN ANY WAY to ANYONE for expressing their views.
And no, not the Salvation Police by any means whatsoever. I have no problem with someone saying they do not believe what I believe, think what I think, etc., no problem whatsoever with that. I just feel everyone can express how they feel in a courteous manner.
Once courtesy is abandoned there seems to be no real discussion or exchange of views.
And no, not an angel by any means! LOL. I use the same userid for everything so I don't get confused!

Wow, am I a minder reader or what! Isn't this the response I predicted you'd give?
I was not making jokes about God. Lighten up. I meant every word I say, I choose not to temper them with all this PC crap. God knows what I think, and he definately knows I was not joking.
Oh and here we go AGAIN, with the "You have a right....blah, blah, blah, and I respect that.....blah, blah blah....." You know, that's getting really old......
and what, you're the Courtesy Police too?
What, are you Amy Vanderbilt, Miss Manners and Ann Landers all rolled into one?
Too many people use the word courtesy to stop people from saying what's really on their minds.
once courstesy is abandoned, there are be no exchange of foot!
It's all this (false) courtesy that keeps people from speaking their minds.
How can someone convey an idea when your limited to only saying something that will offend no one?
Be offended, I don't care.
I'm not discourtesous, just tired of other agenda behind people words, as in "you have every right to believe what you want (even though you're going to hell"
I stand by my words. It might be refreshing if you were to come down off your ivory tower once in a while and let your hair down and just blow off some steam. I'm not going to tell you that you are so full of yourself, but you sure give the appearance that you are.
It's not like we're all a bunch of children going to finishing school, and discourteous or not, it's sure a lot better than all the subtext.