Fri 19 Aug, 2005 08:42 pm
If a person becomes "saved" in the common sense can they lose their salvation afterward by acts and/or words?
Quote:Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
I would certainly hope so . . . serve the smarmy bastards right . . .
Re: Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
baddog1 wrote:If a person becomes "saved" in the common sense can they lose their salvation afterward by acts and/or words?
I've been told by a fundamentalist Baptist minister that you can't; so it looks like I'm going up to the spirit in sky despite no longer being a Christian because I accepted Christ as my personal savior when I was eight and, thus, was officially saved (and the rest of you GO TO HELL...YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!).
Re: Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
Mills75 wrote:baddog1 wrote:If a person becomes "saved" in the common sense can they lose their salvation afterward by acts and/or words?
I've been told by a fundamentalist Baptist minister that you can't; so it looks like I'm going up to the spirit in sky despite no longer being a Christian because I accepted Christ as my personal savior when I was eight and, thus, was officially saved (and the rest of you GO TO HELL...YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!).

You were deceived
When I was a lad I was forced to accept jesus as my personal trainer. Man, that was a bitch. You guys have any idea how heavy those f*cking crosses are ?
damn you crack me up . . .
So howzyer buddy Little Boot these days, we know he's one a them Saints that's goin' to Heaven, right?
Setanta wrote:damn you crack me up . . .
So howzyer buddy Little Boot these days, we know he's one a them Saints that's goin' to Heaven, right?
Just for the record, He's no buddy of mine. Look for a nasty bike spill in the next couple of days. My sources say that Lance is going to give him yet another trip over the handlebars.
He can rot in his hell for all I care.
Re: Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
Intrepid wrote:You were deceived
You're just jealous because I've got a reservation--I can spend the remainder of my life in nonstop Dionysian revelry, die of a heart attack while having sex with twin 18 year old prostitutes, and
still go to heaven. Do you expect me to believe that a fundamentalist Baptist minister could be mistaken about such a thing? :wink:
I was saved when I was 10, baptised, and I went on a 2 week mission trip to Brazil to "save" other heathens.
I've got my ticket to heaven too.....yay!!!!!
I belive in your faith Mills75, it has a happy ending.
Phoenix32890 wrote:Quote:I belive in your faith Mills75, it has a happy ending.
So do fairy tales, and they both have about equal veracity.
I think somebody needs to get right with God.
Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
Quote:If a person becomes "saved" in the common sense can they lose their salvation afterward by acts and/or words?
Absolutely. God is adamant about agreement between subject and verb.
Jeez, you can't win for losing around here....
First ya gotta get saved......
Then ya gotta stay saved.......
I just read the Torah, it's like 'OK I'm gonna save you people', then 'I'm gonna destroy you' then 'well I remembered my promise, I'll save you' then 'hey, you pissed me off again, I'm gonna destroy ya' and so forth.
God - make up your mind!
I asked a South Baptist acquaintance of mine if the hundreds of thousand or millions of Jews that lived in all the centuries before Jesus was even born got to go to heaven.
"Oh NO! - they didn't accept Jesus as their Savior"
"yeeeeeah, but, ya see, Jesus hadn't been born yet, soooooooooo........?
There's always some loophole that ensures you get sent to hell.
Don't even get me started on Jim Baker and that other guy, Jerry Lee Lewis's cousin?
Well crap, I'm started.....So these people who were saved, but were real douche bags who bilked people out of money and were screwing around while telling other people how to live are still saved because they said at one point....uh, sorry God.
Oh, wait a minute, they were SINCERE in the Ass Kissing (in capitals because I'm talking about God's Ass)
I see, that all makes sense now......
I am truly appalled at the obvious lack of respect in most of these posts and truly, truly saddened for each of you displaying that lack of respect.
This is why the world is in the sad state that it is in, Momma.
Yes Intrepid, you are correct. This IS why the world is in the sad shape that it is in and, unfortunately, it will not get better.